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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2008
This might seem like a dumb question if this is how the phone is designed to work, but when I'm using the phone, and the screen is on, the answer/caller id screen stays on the entire time the phone is ringing (as I would definitely expect). However when the phone is locked, the slide to answer/caller id screen goes blank after 2 rings, but the phone continues to ring the final 3 rings (my ringtone is 'Old Phone'). So the only way to see who is calling or answer the phone if I don't get to it by the second ring, when the phone is locked, is to click the home button. So if that is how it is, then I suppose its just a minor annoyance, but if there is an option to change it, or if my phone isn't correctly handling incoming calls, I would appreciate finding that out.
Even if you don't have an answer to the question of how to fix it, could anyone just inform me if it is normal for the slide to answer/caller id screen to go blank after two rings, or is that screen supposed to be showing the incoming call the entire time the phone call is ringing, thanks ahead.

I made a quick video showing my question, surely someone has answered their iphone from the lock screen in this forum, can someone just tell me if this is how it is supposed to be, or if there is a setting to force the screen to stay on during the entire incoming call?
awesome, do you have an answer for the dumb question - even if the question is dumb, since this is my first iphone, and every mobile phone I have owned has shown the caller id during the entire incoming call, and expecting the screen to show who is calling, during an incoming, doesn't seem like a dumb idea.
Mine too

First post here.

I upgraded from the original iPhone to a 3Gs, and yes, my display goes blank after two rings. None of my friends with original iPhone, 3g, or 3Gs are experiencing the same issue. Definitely not normal IMO. Bummer beacuse nothing else is wrong with my phone -- perfectly beautiful screen, no dead pixels, etc.

I called Apple's tech support, who verified that something was amiss. He suggested I restore, and if that doesn't work, go see a Genius.

Stopped doing it right after the restore (set up as new phone), but started doing it again within my first few incoming calls.

Have an appointment at the Genius bar in about an hour. Hope it gets resolved, but I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't addressed in an upcoming software update.
Exchanged it

Well, showed a Genius what was happening, and he exchanged it, no problem. Switched SIM cards, saw that it was activated, and called it -- worked fine.

Got home, restored it from backup (because restoring as new phone did nothing for me last time anyway), and the problem is back.

It's got to be some sort of conflict with either an installed app or other data I'm syncing.

Going to live it with it for now and hope that a software update fixes it.

Please report to Apple as a bug if you're affected.
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