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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 9, 2019
I just want to share my suffering with other Apple fans.

When I woke up today, everything worked fine. I watched some YouTube videos, went to the gym and when I returned back this happens

Unfortunately, my MBP 2016 is just out of warranty. Bought in December 2016 (in Czechia, EU we have 2 years warranty).

I am still confused about why the hell this happened. I had no issue before with my MBP before except keyboard which I learned how to clean every week with pressured canned air.

I have never smashed that screen, hard closed the lid or dropped the MBP on the ground. It just happened after 2+ years of daily use.

I love Apple but I am p***** that I had to use warranty service 2 times for broken keyboard and then when the device is just out of warranty the screen breaks. This is not how I imagine the built quality of the device that cost me ~$2400.

The repair will cost a lot. I was already looking for prices and it would be about $500-$750.

I really needed to share this with somebody, I hope you guys will understand.
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