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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 6, 2006
I'm playing video in a Safari window (I could just as easily play it in Firefox if that would help) and trying to do a screen capture with system sound.

I tried it with Soundflower but that created a lot of problems, eventually leading to kernel panics.

I tried it with the built-in screen recording but saw no way to grab system sound coming out of Safari. Using Internal Microphone worked, but then I could also hear things in the room.

Screenflick seems to work and I'm also trying to figure out which Rogue Ameoba program would be helpful. I've looked at Audio Hijack but can't figure out a way to get it to output the Safari sound to be output to the system to feed Mojave's built-in screen recorder which only shows Internal Microphone as an option.

Any fixes or suggestions?i I'd also like to keep sync. I'm happy to buy a piece of software if it would help. I'd thought that Audio Hijack was there swiss army knife. I see that they also have a program called Loop. AirFoil intrigues me as well though I guess that will become moot with the next macOS as AirPlay as a target will be built in?

Any and all help appreciated
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macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2010
Camtasia definitely works. In my experience using it, if it's on your screen and playing audio, it can capture it. I suspect others like Screenflow will also do this. Unfortunately, they are not inexpensive.
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