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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 27, 2009

The gasket around my screen isn't even. It looks like it got caught when the screen was being put in and now there's a slight gap at the top that dirt gets stuck in. I just had this phone replaced because the first one started develop spider cracks on it. I'm afraid if I take it to the Genius Bar they'll just want to swap the phone (if anything at all). Does anyone know if they'd replace the screen or maybe just take it out and adjust it instead of replacing the whole phone? The screen is also ever so slightly uneven leaving the bezel higher on the right side by like 0.1 mm. It would be a sweet bonus if they adjusted the screen and it happened to fix that, too.

The reason I'm even worried about it is because twice with my old 3G I had dust get underneath the glass on the screen and I'm worried it will happen with my new 3GS. The gap might also let dirt into the iPhones internals which I assume would be a bad thing?
I've never heard of them "adjusting" anyone's phone. Who knows what they'll say, but my guess is they'll just want to swap it, IF they swap it I should say.

That's what I'm worried about. Read MacRumors forums has made me paranoid. Aside from this issue the phone's in pretty good shape and I'm worried that if I swap it out I'll one with more serious issues. When I brought it in for the spider cracks, the genius said it was a known issue and they'd swap it out no problem. He did all his computer work and handed me my new phone to inspect. The first place I looked had cracks in the case so I turned it down for the one I have now. I guess you just have to compromise when it comes to what defects you're willing to accept.
IF your iPhone starts to develop dust under the screen, etc., THEN go to the Apple store and deal with it then.

Do you have a picture of the said uneven gasket?
IF your iPhone starts to develop dust under the screen, etc., THEN go to the Apple store and deal with it then.

Do you have a picture of the said uneven gasket?



Well has anyone at least opened up their 3GS and tried to fix the gasket or screen uneveness themselves? I might be willing to give it a go as long as it Apple couldn't tell. I'd like to keep my warranty just in case.

Well, it's only been a week since I got this and the gap in the gasket has already let dust under the screen. I'm going to hold onto it for a while and see how much worse it gets...
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