You people sure seem to be expending a lot of energy trying to get a crappy program like Preview to do something it was never good for in the first place, which is screen-capturing. And Grab is pretty weak, too.
Here's a GREAT little app i found a little over a month ago, when i needed to do some quick screen caps myself, and got pissed trying to get Preview and Grab to work efficiently:
It's called SnapNDrag, and frankly, it rocks, for several reasons. you can save your screencaps as whatever format (i usually am using TIFF or JPG), and you can select if you want the whole Screen, just a Window, or a custom Selection, and it's fast, and best of all, it is FREEWARE. no 30-day nagging screens or any of that crap (no, i don't work for this company, i just think this software rocks).
So here's the link:
i'm using version 1.3.4, but now that i just looked at their site, i see that they now have 1.3.6, and i haven't gotten that one yet, but mine hasn't had any errors or bugs at all.
Also, i found a good alternative to iPhoto, for just browsing through a buncha images... it's BITcom's Xsee, but it has these annoying nag screens, and it has cooler features that BITcom's free photo browser, FreeSee, like, Xsee has a cool feature called "Show", where you can just flip through images in a cool slideshow, much like the "Windows Picture And Fax Viewer". Now, if i could only get my hands on a "ProCode" serial number for Xsee 2.1.6 ... Heck, BITcom should GIVE ME A SERIAL for plugging their software!
Check it out here:
liquidnitrogen76 @ hotmail