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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 11, 2004
I did a search of the forums to find the answer to this post but unless I missed something in a bout a million posts, I couldn't find out.... when I take a screen shot in Jaguar "Shift+Command+3" I get a PDF file on my desktop. I was used to the OS 9 (and earlier) version of getting a PICT file on the ROOT directory. Can I somehow change the way the system records and stores screen shots? and if so, HOW?

Thanks :confused:
Sparky's said:
I did a search of the forums to find the answer to this post but unless I missed something in a bout a million posts, I couldn't find out.... when I take a screen shot in Jaguar "Shift+Command+3" I get a PDF file on my desktop. I was used to the OS 9 (and earlier) version of getting a PICT file on the ROOT directory. Can I somehow change the way the system records and stores screen shots? and if so, HOW?

Thanks :confused:

I don't know how to change the default screenshot from pdf to something else automatically. But you can open the pdf in the Preview Application and export the pdf file to another graphic format.
You can try using Grab, it comes with OS X. It's either in the Apps folder or the Utilities folder in the Apps folder.
A few third party screen capture utilities have an option for format. I'd recommend Snapz Pro X ( It's shareware and the unregistered version expires after 30 days, but it's very powerful (in fact even Apple uses it), and it can even record 30 fps full screen movies with very little processing power.
Thanks Hex, I thought I'd be hearing from you. I'll check out the app when I get home. Having a PDF file created is not the end of the world (seeing as I use Adobe CS Premier). I was considering seeing if it was a function I could change in the terminal. Kinda like the old days of ResEdit

Thanks again, Sparky
How long has preview had an "export" function? I never knew I could make a quick JPEG or GIF without opening Photoshop or Fireworks. That's really handy!
idkew, thanks, I usually am the one who goes out and finds stuff then reports back, but in this case I figured it was an obscure request, so I didn't bother:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain: "Applescreenshotformat imageformat"

where "format" is changed to jpeg or tiff or gif or pict or....

I'll give it a shot (pun intended)

Hex, we just seem to cross paths a lot, and I respect your opinions and input.
OK now I suppose I need help, my knowledge of Terminal is minimal at best.
After launching Terminal I typed in the following:

Last login: Wed Mar 10 17:21:07 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[alb-24-194-76-214:~] marclager% Applescreenshotformat Imagejpeg
Applescreenshotformat: Command not found.
[alb-24-194-76-214:~] marclager%

So what did I do wrong?
case sensitive huh? I just came back from the Apple discussion forums, I'll post this to them and see what comes.

Thanks for the help
idkew, check this:

Last login: Thu Mar 11 17:25:00 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[alb-##-###-##-###:~] marclager% screencapture
screencapture: illegal usage, file required if not going to clipboard
usage: screencapture [-icmwsWx] [file] [cursor]
-i capture screen interactively, by selection or window
control key - causes screen shot to go to clipboard
space key - toggle between mouse selection and
window selection modes
escape key - cancels interactive screen shot
-c force screen capture to go to the clipboard
-m only capture the main monitor, undefined if -i is set
-w only allow window selection mode
-s only allow mouse selection mode
-W start interaction in window selection mode
-x do not play sounds
file where to save the screen capture
[alb-##-###-##-###:~] marclager%

Those people at the "Apple Discussion" Forums know a little bit
I was typing an old command line I use Jaguar at home and this came in after I changed the line input. Now I can Play!!

You people sure seem to be expending a lot of energy trying to get a crappy program like Preview to do something it was never good for in the first place, which is screen-capturing. And Grab is pretty weak, too.

Here's a GREAT little app i found a little over a month ago, when i needed to do some quick screen caps myself, and got pissed trying to get Preview and Grab to work efficiently:

It's called SnapNDrag, and frankly, it rocks, for several reasons. you can save your screencaps as whatever format (i usually am using TIFF or JPG), and you can select if you want the whole Screen, just a Window, or a custom Selection, and it's fast, and best of all, it is FREEWARE. no 30-day nagging screens or any of that crap (no, i don't work for this company, i just think this software rocks).

So here's the link:

i'm using version 1.3.4, but now that i just looked at their site, i see that they now have 1.3.6, and i haven't gotten that one yet, but mine hasn't had any errors or bugs at all.

Also, i found a good alternative to iPhoto, for just browsing through a buncha images... it's BITcom's Xsee, but it has these annoying nag screens, and it has cooler features that BITcom's free photo browser, FreeSee, like, Xsee has a cool feature called "Show", where you can just flip through images in a cool slideshow, much like the "Windows Picture And Fax Viewer". Now, if i could only get my hands on a "ProCode" serial number for Xsee 2.1.6 ... Heck, BITcom should GIVE ME A SERIAL for plugging their software!

Check it out here:


liquidnitrogen76 @ hotmail

SuperbBoy, pay attention! I never mentioned anything about "Preview". To reiterate I was commenting on the way the "System" takes screen shots, and can I change it to what I want instead of putting PDFs on my desktop. I teach a lot of desktop to those less informed and using screen shots to illustrate a point is a great tool to use. I would prefer to take either the old PICT shots or Jpegs so I can attach them to e-mails. And please don't tell me I can open the PDFs in Preview and save as...etc. I have been in commercial printing for over 30 years and most of that on Desktop Publishing. I use Adobe's Creative Suite Premium and am well aware of how to save and modify files. I don't even use Preview, as it lacks in anything Photoshop or Acrobat Pro can do.

I want to know how to tweak my computer via the terminal so I can modify the way it takes screen shots.

got it?
Preview is a great little app for opening files quickly and "previewing" them. Compared to the eons that you'd have to wait for something to open in Photoshop or illustrator.
Yikes, Sparky!

Okay, calm down bro. Sorry i ruffled your feathers. i guess i KINDA misunderstood... the point still remains, that SnapNDrag does everything you want to do, and it is EASY TO USE, and QUICK. Try it, i dare ya. Chances are, you'll think it's great.


i just wish OS X had a BETTER built-in image browser, kinda like **uh-oh, i'm gonna say it** Windows Picture And Fax Viewer, not that it's GREAT, it's just better than Apple's Preview. BITcom Xsee is close to doing those things though, and i love the "Show" feature of Xsee, how it makes a great slideshow with your folder's images, with only a tiny controller that you can move to any part of the screen.

So Sparky, if you're gonna be using screenshots as any part of a presentation (as opposed to printing), then you'd probably like Xsee. But like i said before, taking the screenshots is WAY easy with SnapNDrag, and does nice TIFF output for your printing purposes. I dunno if you can make a keyboard command to make it work (you know, like, without having to open up the program and stuff), but i bet you can. Even if you can't, it's easy to just open it once and keep it running. it's a real tiny program.

Anyway, that's just my 2cents. i hope it's insightful to SOMEONE. Lord knows i had to search high and low for a good screen capper.

SuperbBoy said:
i just wish OS X had a BETTER built-in image browser, kinda like **uh-oh, i'm gonna say it** Windows Picture And Fax Viewer, not that it's GREAT, it's just better than Apple's Preview. BITcom Xsee is close to doing those things though, and i love the "Show" feature of Xsee, how it makes a great slideshow with your folder's images, with only a tiny controller that you can move to any part of the screen.

kinda sounds like iPhoto, no?
to all> I'm over it

I'm gonna go play with terminal

PS waiting for Photoshop to open is a mear 15 secs. And I don't just preview I manipulate!
Sparky's. Save your effort in the Terminal as the only option in Jaguar/Panther is a generated PDF using the built in command.

Just for reference on OS X 10.1 it used to be:
Last login: Thu Mar 11 18:07:28 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
themachine:~ encro$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat JPEG
I wish people knew of what they say:
first here is a screen shot sent directly to the Clip board from terminal
then pasted into a "new" document in Photoshop (when you copy something to the clipboard, Photoshop already knows the size and resolution of what's there) so its an easy paste.
Sparky's said:
I wish people knew of what they say:
first here is a screen shot sent directly to the Clip board from terminal
then pasted into a "new" document in Photoshop (when you copy something to the clipboard, Photoshop already knows the size and resolution of what's there) so its an easy paste.

I was referring to the use of the defaults utility to modify the xml property lists and not the screencapture command
Understood, and also beeing able to change the system would require getting into the developer code (as I understand it) but albeit different this was just a curiosity question to start with. I posted an e-mail to MAC Addict in the "How To" section to see what they can come up with.

So as I said, I'm over it....
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