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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 14, 2010
So, I have my daughter's phone (running iOS 13.2) set to Block At Downtime everything with after 10pm, except for Phone (which can't be locked out), Messages, Maps, Calendar, Find My Iphone and Music. I specifically have Facetime not in that list, and it shows in the list below of apps that aren't included. However, my daughter is still able to make Facetime calls after the downtime, by opening up the Phone app (which again, CANNOT be blocked), opening the contact page for the person she wants to Facetime, and clicking the Facetime button below the contacts picture and it works.

Are others experiencing this or can test it? This seems like a big Screen Time miss by Apple if this is how it's working for everyone. Apparently they are implementing Blocking only by disabling the screen icon, but not disabling the actual functionality. So if someone can figure out a way to fire off the functionality, things will still work.

I will post this as a bug to Apple if it's confirmed that others experience this too, and it's not just my account.
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