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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 7, 2016
Bellevue, NE
Just experimenting for the first time with taking a screenshot. Using the internet and YouTube to find reference material. But have a project that the screenshot is not working for and don't know exactly how to frame the question I have with enough specificity to find an answer on the web. Basically I want to copy an investment report from Schwab that probably runs three or four pages long. When I take a screenshot, I get a graph at the top of the report, but nothing of the pages below that. To make a shot of what appears to be multiple pages, does one have to take individual screenshots, then save them somewhere in sequence to make up the entire report? It would be rather like trying to copy a thread in the forum, but including more than one "page" (screen) worth of entries.

Some sort of reference would be nice so that I can save the method to help remember what to do.
Just experimenting for the first time with taking a screenshot. Using the internet and YouTube to find reference material. But have a project that the screenshot is not working for and don't know exactly how to frame the question I have with enough specificity to find an answer on the web. Basically I want to copy an investment report from Schwab that probably runs three or four pages long. When I take a screenshot, I get a graph at the top of the report, but nothing of the pages below that. To make a shot of what appears to be multiple pages, does one have to take individual screenshots, then save them somewhere in sequence to make up the entire report? It would be rather like trying to copy a thread in the forum, but including more than one "page" (screen) worth of entries.

Some sort of reference would be nice so that I can save the method to help remember what to do.
File > Export as PDF. Much easier than screeshots.
I see that my expectations were way off to begin with! A screenshot obviously means a shot of the screen; it does not include what is off the bottom of the screen as well! I will rethink how to approach the problem. And thank you MSastre! Exporting as a PDF is easier.
Another advantage of "Export as PDF" is that it will preserve any links in the document so they can be easily accessed.
I recently found this tip on the forum. Might be exactly what you are looking for:

I recently found this tip on the forum. Might be exactly what you are looking for:

Followed the instructions in the thread referenced above. Finally found the purple html element (never did see anything resembling a tree, though). Cannot find "Capture Screenshot" anywhere. Anyone know where it is?
You can using "FireShot" add-ons... on firefox, this little addons will capture all your pages
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