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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
I'm looking for..or to write...a Script/app/droplet to auto change Mp4 "Media Kind" Tag.

By default, they're "Home Video" so when you drag movies into iTunes, they're placed there.
I'd like basically to drag and drop to change them to "Movie"

Subler can do it, but it's manual to do, and I don't think it can do droplets.


I'd think it should be pretty simple to do with applescript or a service or automator, but after an hour of googling around, I've found I'm not really sure where to start a search to get me where I'm heading.

Anyone help?
You can use SublerCLI and this script
set theMovies to choose file with prompt "Please select the movies to process:" of type {""} with multiple selections allowed
repeat with aMovie in theMovies
    do shell script "/Applications/SublerCLI  -metadata {'Media Kind':'9'} -dest " & POSIX path of aMovie
end repeat
You can put SublerCLI anywhere, I placed it in Applications.
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do shell script "/Applications/SublerCLI -metadata {'Media Kind':'9'} -dest " & POSIX path of aMovie
To be on the safe side use quoted form of when using do shell script eg.
do shell script "/Applications/SublerCLI -metadata {'Media Kind':'9'} -dest " & quoted form of POSIX path of aMovie
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