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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 26, 2007
I installed 10.8 last week. I just noticed my fan running for the last 10 minutes. There isa process called SCService run by root using 99% of my CPU. I've tried to google what it is. When I quit the process it just comes back. Restarting doesn't change anything.

Nevermind. I installed a survey tracking application called Savvyconnect through the website SurveySavvy. It was difficult to uninstall. (Had to throw out the application and a supporting folder which couldn't be erased until SCService process was quit. (I had to erase the trash before SCService reopened).
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I joined that site surevysavvy a week ago and installed a application called savvy connect on my Lion OS X.

I didn't notice my i5 processor having any issue with the application but did notice I didn't receive many surveys at all through that application.

I called the company luth research and was directed to their technical support number, which they did help me uninstall. :D
Similar issue. Help!

Hi, I have the same issue as Brop52:

"I just noticed my fan running for the last 10 minutes. There isa process called SCService run by root using 99% of my CPU. I've tried to google what it is. When I quit the process it just comes back. Restarting doesn't change anything."

However, I did not download anything from Surveysavvy or anything similar. How can I identify which application is causing the problem? I am NOT computer savvy, so any tips will be appreciated.

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