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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 26, 2006
Costco has a Canon A570 IS compact digital camera for sale ($199) and is offering an ATI 80x SD card as a sweetener. Is this a good card, or would I be better off buying one of the new SDHC high-capacity cards? What's the difference; is the speed (e.g., 80x) more important than it being high capacity; and which would make the camera operate better and faster?

P.s.--any opinions about this camera or the Canon SD1000, which I am also considering? Thanks.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2006
Southern California
I don't know the specifications of the camera you mentioned, but look it up. The P&S (I'm assuming) cameras don't shoot very fast, so you might have a fast card with a slow camera which would be a waste of money unless you go a faster camera. Check the specs.

I believe for your camera and purposes, you're better off with capacity.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 26, 2006
Thanks for the responses to my first post.

Canon A570 IS uses SDHD (in addition to SD) but I don't know what benefit it would be over SD.

The specs say it has 1.7 fps and shutter speed of 1/2000, but I'm not sure what that means. Would a faster card (e.g., 80x) just allow me to take repeated shots faster? What would a high-capacity card do--I'm assuming not allow more picture storeage as this is more determined by it being 2GB, right?

Has anyone used different kinds of cards in the same point and shoot camera, particularly like Canon A series ones?


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
SDHC cards allow you to buy 2 GB memory cards....and larger. For a point and shoot, I really don't think it matters if you have 1 GB cards or 2 GB cards. Obviously, bigger is better, but as to the benefits of SDHC over SD, the only benefit is the total size, not speed or others. Actually, that's not true. Sandisk didn't make Extreme IV cards back when SD cards were the only choice available. You'll have to live with poor old Extreme III SD cards. ;)


May 10, 2004
SD is rated at maximum speed.

SDHC is rated at guaranteed speed.

So SDHC is better for video.
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