Hey, so ive learnt the cert is only required to basically allow the app to get onto the phone, apple tracing and some other features. I copied an app made with the sdk to my phone and loaded it up (chmod +s also on the app). The app loads and site there, nothing seems to work and then bombs to springboard. However, im still on 1.1.3 jailbroken.
anyone with a 1.1.4 jailbroken phone want to give it a shot? compile a sample app and put it on your phone (sftp) and see if it'll work for you. going to upgrade to 114 later tomorrow since ill have to reinstall all my programs which sucks ...
anyone with a 1.1.4 jailbroken phone want to give it a shot? compile a sample app and put it on your phone (sftp) and see if it'll work for you. going to upgrade to 114 later tomorrow since ill have to reinstall all my programs which sucks ...