i've been reading this and other forums for the past 2 days, but can't really get an answer to my question:
i like to stream my media files/itunes over the network to various clients (laptop PC + mac) and my appleTV. key is, that i don't want another computer(mac mini, etc) in between.
i was thinking to get the drobo + droboshare and connect via firefly to my appletv.
drobo -> (droboshare ->) appletv
anybody got insights whether this works without problems?
media management via firefly?
connecting issues with drobo(share) to appletv?
streaming quality?
thankful for any help,
i've been reading this and other forums for the past 2 days, but can't really get an answer to my question:
i like to stream my media files/itunes over the network to various clients (laptop PC + mac) and my appleTV. key is, that i don't want another computer(mac mini, etc) in between.
i was thinking to get the drobo + droboshare and connect via firefly to my appletv.
drobo -> (droboshare ->) appletv
anybody got insights whether this works without problems?
media management via firefly?
connecting issues with drobo(share) to appletv?
streaming quality?
thankful for any help,