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macrumors 604
Original poster
Mar 17, 2004
Hi all,

The tl;dr is basically: Ever since iOS 13 came out, when I search for photos by location, a bunch of the photos are missing. But those photos are in my phone, and correctly tagged.

The longer version:

I'd like other people to check and see if they can reproduce this. I but ever since iOS 13, I started having this issue, and it has had a very serious frustrating effect on my iPhone usage.

I recognize that my usage might be a bit different from the average person, I am a big user of the iPhone's photo search and geotagging. Need to find a document? Search for "papers". Need to find a restaurant I've been to before? Search for the area, look for photos I took.

I am also a frequent traveler. So when discussing travels or making recommendations, I very frequently search by location for the geotags. This would bring up all the photos from a location. For example, my family is from a small town in Southern Italy, so I can just search for that town to get all the photos of them.

But now, when I do searches that I have done many times before, ever since iOS 13 came out, I specifically notice photos that usually come up in the search that are missing.

I can validate that these photos consistently are missing from the geotagged search. But other photos from the same set, that I took in the same location on the same day, are in the results. When I search by the date, all of the photos show up. And if I actually go to Albums > Places and scroll around on the map and click on the location, there they are! The photos are definitely properly geotagged since they show up in Places, and of course, before iOS 13, they worked just fine.

The photos that don't show up in the geotag by text search seem random, but the results are consistent; the same photos are missing every time I search.

I have two really clear cases that I can reproduce:


A year and a half ago I took a trip to the Netherlands. In the Amsterdam airport, I took some photos of my food, as one does- Bitterballen (deep fried balls of white gravy). They are amazing, I might add. I have often referred to the photo I took of one of the Bitterballen cracked open when explaining what they are.

To bring up the photo, I always searched for "Amsterdam". Or "Netherlands", or "Schipol" usually work. Now, several of the photos I took in the Amsterdam airport are clearly omitted from these searches. Only about half of the photos I expect show up, even though some of them were taken only a few feet away within an hour of each other. But if I search for the date, all of those photos show up fine. Geotagging looks right. The photo shows up if I search by date. But when I search by the country, or city, or specific location, this (and several other photos) aren't in the search results.

I thought maybe it might be because it's a food picture, but there are photos of Krokets and Stroopwafels from the same restaurant in the airport that show up in the search. It's just missing all of the Bitterballen photos and a few other random ones.


Just yesterday I was telling my friend about a great Greek/Turkish fusion restaurant in a suburb city about a 30 minute drive away just over a state border. I had taken pictures of the menu. I searched for the name of the city; the pictures of the restaurant were missing, but other pictures from the same day were there. I searched for the state; same issue. I looked at the other pictures from the same day, and searched by date; there they are! And then I went to Places, scrolled to the restaurant, and clicked on the geotag, and there are the pictures.


I can consistently reproduce the above two examples. I have had this several other times; searched for a location, can't find the picture I want, search by date or manually browsed Places, there they are.

I opened a bug report with Apple two months ago, FB7403383, they have not responded to it.

Has anyone else seen this at all? At this point, I can't rely on search results for geotags anymore, and it's very frustrating.
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