Seas0npass has failed to work for me to. Can't figure it out keep getting errors during itunes restore.Hi Guys
having real difficulty jailbreaking my apple tv 2g with this
keep getting iTunes restore error 1602 or 1600.
starting to tear my hair out now![]()
i was having difficultys too. this is what helped me. make sure that the aptv is not plugged in to the wall, just usb. also, it took forever for my itunes to check my library, and i'd get the error message. season pass was able to make the patched apple tv .ipsw in my finder. soooo.... i just optioned clicked the apple tv in itunes and restored from the patched ipsw from finder. walla!
now that is jailbroken, the tethered boot. make sure its unplugged, plug in usb, wait for it to flash rapid, then plug in power, then hold menu/play for 7 seconds, then plug in the hdmi before it stop flashing.
once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad.
For the tethered boot, I can't plug my HDMI in at the same time as my micro USB cable, the HDMI connector is too thick. I'm assuming I don't need the HDMI and USB at the same time.![]()
Hey Mike,
Curious... For the tethered boot, I can't plug my HDMI in at the same time as my micro USB cable, the HDMI connector is too thick. I'm assuming I don't need the HDMI and USB at the same time.
Also, you don't mention firing up Seasonpass and clicking on the tether in your steps.. I'm assuming that's needed to make it work.