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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2008
I have the AppleTV 2, and tried to use Seas0nPass. When I go to load the IPSW that appears to work. I had a very difficult time getting the tethered boot to work after loading IPSW. After a lot of tinkering, I finally got it working, but then there was NO network connectivity. It can't find any wi fi networks (not mine or any others in the building) and even with ethernet plugged in, it says it's not connected. And of course, if I do any reboot, it needs to be re-tethered or it just sits on the apple logo.

Am I doing something wrong here?

I've spent all night trying to get this thing to work and I feel like I've just had my ass kicked... Awesome... Would really like to try XBMC. :)
Answer my own question here... It's so retarded, I almost threw my Apple TV out the window to let the cars down below run over it and smash it to pieces!!!

For me, I couldn't get it to go into DFU mode without the power cord.. So on both parts, uploading the new firmware, and doing the tethered boot, I:

1. Plug USB Cable in
2. Plug power cable in
3. Hold the down and menu for 6 seconds
4. Immediately hold the Menu and Play/Pause for 8 seconds until flashing fast, and release
The tethered boot is really easy if you just pay attention the the instructions.

1. Open SeasOnPass and Select the Tethered Boot Option
2. Plug in The Micro USB and wait until the ATV2 LED rapid flashes.
3. Plug in the Power Cord
4. Hold the Menu & Play/Pause buttons the 7 seconds, then release.
(if you don't see the boot in progress on the Mac screen after releasing the buttons then do step 4 again).
5. Once the boot is complete SeasOnPass will instruct to remove the USB and Immediately (meaning before the ATV2 LED stops flashing( put in the HDMI cable. In a few minuets you will see the ATV2 home screen on the TV.

This tethered boot is a PAIN, especially for me as I need to carry my iMac27 up three flights of stairs to connect it to the ATV2. As long as you don't loose power it should stay booted and just go to the sleep mode. Also after boot is you have a wireless network you will need to log back in on the ATV2's General/Network settings.
what?? why don't you just bring the ATV down the 3 flight of stairs?

Because when you lose power to the jail-broken ATV2 and plug it back in it don't work. You need to do the tethered boot at the location it's going to be used and in that case my iMac is in my downstairs basement office and the ATV2 is used in the upstairs bedroom. I was hoping that I could unplug the ATV2 and it would retain it's power for 5 minutes or so but it seems to go down immediately just as if you unplugged your computer. Now if someone has a better way to handle this I'm all ears.

Normally however I should not need to reboot unless I'm updating something on ATV2 (like the Plex app) to a new version so It's tolerable. The best solution would be to get a Mac Mini but I'm working with thew ATV2 on my secondary TV's to save some $$$.
The tethered boot is really easy if you just pay attention the the instructions.

1. Open SeasOnPass and Select the Tethered Boot Option
2. Plug in The Micro USB and wait until the ATV2 LED rapid flashes.

Nope, doesn't work for me... No Rapid flashing when the Micro USB plugged in. I suspect that my laptop (Macbook Pro) is not providing enough power to the device... So for me... Step 2... Plug in Micro USB, then Plug in Power...
For me Step 4... Need to do Down Arrow + Menu first for 6 seconds, then Menu Play/Pause for 8 seconds..

Works like a charm every time now I do it my way. :)
Works like a charm every time now I do it my way. :)

Don't worry as soon as you think you have it figured out something will change and it won't work anymore. This stuff isn't rocket science... it's more like plug, unplug, & pray. You might have helped a few people in the same boat as you... while the stock instructions work repeatedly for me. It might not matter but I just bought my ATV2 and hadn't used it prior to the jail brake.
Device doesn't detect wifi or ethernet network connection

After a lot of tinkering, I finally got it working, but then there was NO network connectivity. It can't find any wi fi networks (not mine or any others in the building) and even with ethernet plugged in, it says it's not connected.

I have no issue booting into what I think is the Jailbroken firmware via Seas0nPass (Everything looks the same but there's no network access via ethernet or wifi). My process is a little different. I have shaved my usb and hdmi cable so they both fit in at the same time. My process is:
  1. Plug in USB
  2. Immediately hold play/pause and menu for 6 seconds
  3. Once Seas0npass detects the device in DFU mode, connect the power cable
This works flawlessly for me and is very simple.

My issue, however, is that the device doesn't detect a network connection, which has made it completely useless. I have updated my Seas0npass to the latest one and tried again. I also tried reverting to the default software and updated to the latest version with Airplay. The latest version of iOS works perfectly with network access, wifi access and Airplay, but once I try to Jailbreak it again, it puts device back into the same state it was when I first Jailbroke.

Has anyone had the network issue and how do you fix it?
I finally got the Apple TV into DFU mode following the advice with having the power cable plugged.

Seas0npass detects the DFU mode and makes iTunes do the restore, but after like 6-8 minutes of restoring/verifying iTunes finallly says:
the apple tv could not be restored. an unknown error occurred (1602)

I've tried googling for this error msg, but found nothing related to the Apple TV
I finally got the Apple TV into DFU mode following the advice with having the power cable plugged.

Seas0npass detects the DFU mode and makes iTunes do the restore, but after like 6-8 minutes of restoring/verifying iTunes finallly says:
the apple tv could not be restored. an unknown error occurred (1602)

I've tried googling for this error msg, but found nothing related to the Apple TV

Try this link for help with SeasOnPass
This works flawlessly for me and is very simple.

Well not completely flawless as you can't connect to the network. And... I think you should plug in the power BEFORE pressing play/pause and menu for 6 seconds.

I have no problems connecting to a wireless network after a tethered boot via the ATV2 General/Network settings and you do need to do that after each boot. Anyway check out this link... this seems to be a known issue and it's being looked into.
All you have to do is follow the instructions exactly how they're laid out at

I was having the wifi issues with the older version of seas0npass so make sure you have the latest version.

Just make sure when you're tether booting, you plug in the microUSB cable. The light will flash in 1 second intervals, and after a few seconds it will flash rapidly.. That's when you plug in the power cable and hold your menu and play button down.

If it's still giving you the problem, do a full restore and redo the IPSW.
Hello Everyone Id like some Mac user input on JailBreaking my ATV2. Please let me know the Pro's and Con's

Pro's should be obvious... if you want something that runs only on a jail-breaked ATV2 (like Plex or XBMC then you need to jailbreak it.

Con's Include:

1. Current jailbreak requires tethered boot. If the ATV2 looses power or crashes you need a connected computer to boot it.

2. While jail breaking is getting easier thanks to SeasOnPass some people are still experiencing problems getting it to work.

3. When Apple updates the iOS on the ATV2 you will need to wait until a jailbrake for that iOS is available - so you can't update the ATV2 right away.

4. Not much support.... if your jailbreak fails you need to search forums and hope you can find an answer.

For me the the Pro's far out weighs the Cons... I'm loving Plex on the ATV2, it's working great for me so far and it saves from having to buy another mac mini to run my secondary TV. I can't do everything on that TV that I could with a mac mini running Plex but I can watch all my movies stored on my NAS drive which was my main goal. As the ATV2 Plex App progresses hopefully it will allow more functionality.
Pro's should be obvious... if you want something that runs only on a jail-breaked ATV2 (like Plex or XBMC then you need to jailbreak it.

Con's Include:

1. Current jailbreak requires tethered boot. If the ATV2 looses power or crashes you need a connected computer to boot it.

2. While jail breaking is getting easier thanks to SeasOnPass some people are still experiencing problems getting it to work.

3. When Apple updates the iOS on the ATV2 you will need to wait until a jailbrake for that iOS is available - so you can't update the ATV2 right away.

4. Not much support.... if your jailbreak fails you need to search forums and hope you can find an answer.

For me the the Pro's far out weighs the Cons... I'm loving Plex on the ATV2, it's working great for me so far and it saves from having to buy another mac mini to run my secondary TV. I can't do everything on that TV that I could with a mac mini running Plex but I can watch all my movies stored on my NAS drive which was my main goal. As the ATV2 Plex App progresses hopefully it will allow more functionality.

Thank you very much... I hope it is a fairly smooth process because I am going to try it. I Jailbroke my IPhone 4 with Limra1n and it was super easy.
Another con it that some things don't always work right after jailbreaking. Most notably it messes up Wifi although I'm not sure if they have fixed that yet. And jailbroken devices are not as reliable and stable as nonjailbroken ones. Just something to keep in mind before you do.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

I have no wi-fi problems but I have also heard of that issue. Whenever you re-boot you will need to log back into your wi-fi network but after it's connected I've watched many hours of movies over wi-fi with no dropouts or other problems.
ATV2 seasonpass. the itunes restore came up with error 1611

what is error 1611 could not restore appletv after you use seasonpass and it automatically try's to restore it.???? Am I screwed??
please can some one translate this xbmc install for ATV2

$ ssh root@<your ATV2 IP address>

root@<your ATV2 IP address>'s password: ''enter your password here, it should be "alpine" if you haven't changed it''

$ apt-get install wget

$ wget -O- | apt-key add -

$ echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awkwardtv.list

$ echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbmc.list

$ apt-get update

$ apt-get install org.xbmc.xbmc-atv2
Sorry to here your having difficulties with the JB...

Re not getting into the duf mode try this:

There's a lot of season Pass info here so this is where you should probably direct your questions:

Hang in there I'm sure you will get it figured out.

Thank you it seems im not that slick. i seem to get caught up in every step. when you jail break the ATV2 and it restores in itunes does it always give an error in itunes 1611 but in seasonpass it says restore complete??
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