I have been thinking about this issue a lot lately. Problem is, when we say what is legal, we have to look at who determined the law. That would be the software companies. Whether you own the software or simply have a license is all a matter of semantics. What if record labels were to suddenly decide that we were only licensing the music and we could only play a CD on one CD player. How many of us would put up with that? Right now I can download my music CD's to my computer and still play them on my home stereo, or my car stereo or even a friend's stereo. I am not supposed to make copies and give them away or sell them, but I can listen to my CD whenever I want and wherever I want. With the example of renting a movie - I can play that movie wherever I want - friends house, my house, on my Mac. Again, I can't copy it or sell it or sell tickets. The software industry is fairly new, and they have made their own rules. Just because they define something as stealing, doesn't make it so. These new rules are made so the companies can make money. What is the difference between buying the single license for Jaguar and the family? Nothing but the money - right? If I load Jaguar on 2 machines, I have not stolen anything, nor have I deprived Apple of money that should go to them. If I download a CD from Kaaza though, I have deprived an artist of money for work they created. I think people must go with their own conscience on this issue and think about what harm they are or aren't inflicting.