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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 15, 2003
I am working on a system which involves an XServe. The project is still in the planning stages, but one of my concerns is security over FTP.

What are the Security Policies that could be used?
Can Encryption be used? If so, how?
Can FTP over SSL be used?

How would I go about making the FTP Connection as secure as possible?

Thanks in Advance! :D
Fugu is a great program. Just a little correction though: sftp is its own protocol; it's not "ftp over ssl". sftp and scp are file transfer protocols that are part of ssh. They're actually built-in to OS X as part of openssh; but the built-in versions are command-line only (which is why Fugu is so great - it adds an easy to use interface).

So the only port you need to have open for sftp is port 22 - the same as ssh. BTW there are free ssh programs for pretty much every operating system, which should all be compatible with OS X.
Originally posted by Westside guy
Just a little correction though: sftp is its own protocol; it's not "ftp over ssl".

I will admit my ignorance to what exactly SSL is. . . :)

Bottom line is that Fugu is good. It does what I need it to.

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