I would like to keep all my bank/card and other financial and personal details in more secured mode in my iPhone 3GS.
I have found many wallet applications for free and which suits my requirement.
But I have a basic doubt whether it's safe to use those wallet applications.?
Is it possible for the third party or whoever provided this application can able to get/hack those details because we are providing all the card details in it..
I won't register any login id with this application to backup the data to the third party. still any risk is there..?
or is it possible to encrypt the notes which provided by iPhone. Meaning, I will use the notes to capture all my data and some application to encrypt the individual notes and to open it need to enter the password..like that..?
Please throw some light on it or alternative solution on how to keep the data more securly. thanks.
I would like to keep all my bank/card and other financial and personal details in more secured mode in my iPhone 3GS.
I have found many wallet applications for free and which suits my requirement.
But I have a basic doubt whether it's safe to use those wallet applications.?
Is it possible for the third party or whoever provided this application can able to get/hack those details because we are providing all the card details in it..
I won't register any login id with this application to backup the data to the third party. still any risk is there..?
or is it possible to encrypt the notes which provided by iPhone. Meaning, I will use the notes to capture all my data and some application to encrypt the individual notes and to open it need to enter the password..like that..?
Please throw some light on it or alternative solution on how to keep the data more securly. thanks.