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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017
Since 2012 I own an iMac computer model A1311. In December of 2016 it had installed the latest version of "OS X El Capitan" 10.11.6.

In mid-December 2016, I received a balloon or notification on my own computer about a "security update for the operating system." Namely 2016-003 (see and its description

Suddenly, after that installation all the usb ports as well as all the bluetooth connections stopped working.

Therefore, I tried to recover normal operation by all means. Firstly, I received assistance from the technicians of my company who, after various tests with usb peripherals of all kinds and observing that the board did not present physical damages and that there was voltage in the ports, concluded that the firmware of the board (EFI) had been corrupted as a result of the upgrade. Secondly, I attempted to do various operations through the shared screen system, for example, installing OS Sierra in the hope that this newer operating system would recover the ports performance. Unfortunately it was not. Finally, I have contacted Apple via the telephone as well as by email, but they have refused to help me because "my computer was not under warranty" and in any case, inform me that it is not possible to return to the previous state by uninstalling that update.

In the early days of February, Apple released a "supplemental update to the 2016-003" that solved problems and errors of the previous that could cause the iMac to stop responding (as Apple recognizes in its own web https: // support. The explanation itself of the 2016-003 update explicitly specifies that it affects the bluetooth controller among many other processes and devices.

This misconduct, in addition to being explicitly acknowledged by Apple, has been documented on several occasions:

Finally, I must point out that I contacted Apple Care again, through the telephone numbers indicated on its website, in order to complain. First I was told not to pick it up by phone, I had to visit a web site or write an email. The web that I was given is the one corresponding to "comments and suggestions" (feedback) or "support" (support) while the email was the "contact" ( Again I had to contact them to remind them that these procedures are not the ones corresponding to the claims, providing me with a postal address in Ireland.

Also, as Apple collects well on its website

In accordance with article 116 of the Spanish General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, a product has a lack of conformity if said product "does not present the usual quality and performance of a product of the same type as the consumer and user can reasonably wait."

All of this leads to the conclusion that my iMac computer is one of those affected by the installation of the security update 2016-003 and, therefore, by this letter I claim against Apple España for a lack of conformity on its product "Update Security 2016-003 "that I installed in good faith, following the manufacturer's recommendations and relying on the prestige of Apple and I request that Apple repairs my computer for free.

UPDATE: I extend and detail the information regarding this claim based on the latest information I have obtained.

First, as I said, I was able to access via "Shared Screen" and copy and completely review the information contained in the files contained in:

Apple -> About This Mac -> System Report -> Software -> Logs

In them has been recorded several facts that I detail below:

1.- the 2016-003 update involves the installation of a new version of the EFI

Dec 16 10:15:17 iMac system_installd [818]: postinstall: EFI currentVersion: [00470023]
Dec 16 10:15:17 iMac system_installd [818]: postinstall: EFI updateVersion: [00470025]

2.- From that moment, the computer fails and is not operational

3.- Later updates (Supplemental Security Update) do not update the EFI.

It is universally known in computing that the change of Firmware / EFI / BIOS of any device carries a risk (minimum but nonexistent) of making the device unusable and, therefore, it is standard to include a warning before the update process that warns of this possibility.

However, the description provided by Apple about the actions carried out by 2016-003 do not mention any changes to the EFI nor do they warn of the risk of equipment being disabled.

Following the instructions that APPLE gave me by telephone conversation on March 2, I went to the appointment arranged by APPLE. The reason for this appointment was to proceed to the inspection and review of the equipment in order to diagnose the problem and clarify its origin.

Once in the establishment, the technicians were limited to verify the symptoms described by me in previous communications. But surprisingly, they did not make any proof in my presence. It could have taken control of the computer by "shared screen" or even use a keyboard through thunderbolt port (which is apparently in perfect working order), to perform actual diagnostic tests, but did not perform any of these operations. To my question of if they could re-install the EFI to discard my suspicion, they told me that it was completely impossible.

My surprise was a big one when, in less than 24 hours, I received an email requiring me to call them. In this call:

1.- I was not informed of the result of these tests and neither the consultations at the higher level.
2.- I was not informed of the result of the examination of the files/logs (it is surprising the speed in the examination and study of this register, since the file consists of 225,122 lines).
3.- They only tell me that the motherboard needs to be changed (without mentioning the reason) and that the cost is € 492.
4.- In addition, the logic board that is installed may be a re-used logic board, the logic board that is removed becomes the property of Apple.
5.- The new logic board will be engraved with the same serial number as the logic board removed. Consequently, it will be impossible for me to verify whether or not the logic board has really been replaced.
6.- The technicians are not able to reason against my arguments about the defective Update and its consequences on the EFI.
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