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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 28, 2008
United Kingdom
I put a free service together a few days ago that lets you see all the reviews for an app store application from all the iTunes store. It's useful for developers but also useful for app buyers, especially if your own iTunes app store doesn't have a lot of reviews on it.

You can access it here:

All you need is either the application ID or the iTunes Store URL for the app - you can get this by control-clicking (mac) or right-clicking (pc) the application icon in iTunes. The service will then grab all the reviews and show you a results page with the first 25 from each store, along with the star rating for the app in that store and the total number of ratings. You can click on the country name to see all the reviews for a given store.

In addition, at the bottom of the first results page, you'll see an overall average number of stars taking all the reviews from all the stores into account.

It stores the reviews locally and will update with new reviews as they're available, although for each app there is a 3 hour wait time between refreshes to avoid excess load.

Enjoy and comments welcome.
Thank you very much for this!

This is something that Apple should really include...


Have you considered teaming it up with the guys that made ???

That would be completely awesome to see ALL apps listed as well as ALL reviews.

Love yours though and thanks so much for the work!

Siriosys, that's a good idea but I would expect arn to do this himself if he wanted to add this functionality, as it wouldn't be hard for him to do :) Of course, if arn does want it from me, that's no problem either (I think he already knows about it from my posts on toucharcade about it.)
This is amazing!

Just need to do a better visual ;) but honestly totally amazing :)
Thanks, but there should be like an iphone app that does this, thatd be pretty cool

Thanks, but there should be like an iphone app that does this, thatd be pretty cool


Well if somebody wants to invest the time in making one only for it to be rejected by Apple for duplicating functionality that's already on the iPhone, all power to them :) Not something I'll be doing as I really don't think they'd accept it.
you are marvellous. thanks to you (and google translate), i know what does the japanese want more from Musophobia :).
That was brilliant idea, but the link is broken now..

Is there are another tool or website that would do that?
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