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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 24, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Yeah, I saw this via an e-mail update, because I'd flagged BIA2 and NOVA. I decided to pick up BIA2 to play on a rainy day (since I also recently got several other games... Guitar Hero, Ravensword because of a sale, and I've finally been playing Beneath a Steel Sky).
I had my eye on NOVA, waiting for a price drop. Sadly, yesterday I spent the last $2 from my prepaid card, so looks like I'll be sitting out this sale :p

For anyone who's played through NOVA, how worthy is the single player mode? Is it mostly just good for deathmatch, or are the "levels" and the main story game mode actually worth playing? At $0.99 perhaps I should put this one back on my to-do list. Especially since I looked at the other sales going on today and I don't want any of the EA, etc games that are on sale. :eek:
For anyone who's played through NOVA, how worthy is the single player mode? Is it mostly just good for deathmatch, or are the "levels" and the main story game mode actually worth playing? At $0.99 perhaps I should put this one back on my to-do list. Especially since I looked at the other sales going on today and I don't want any of the EA, etc games that are on sale. :eek:
The single player mode alone is most certainly worth the $0.99.
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