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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
This photo was a project of, well... basically to understand yourself and portray that in a photograph. A self-portrait.

There's a larger concept going on inside of this photograph, but unless someone actually wants to go into that, I'll just post the photo to see what you guys think...
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005

For this photo, I used a Nikon d70s with the 18-70 lens.

For most of the stuff on my site, I used a Pentax 3MP point and shoot. There's the occasional shot using a Canon film point and shoot or my KSX SLR.

Next week I plan on using my Polaroid instant camera from years ago along with the Nikon for some... "interesting"... model portraits. Hopefully interesting, at least.


macrumors regular
Jan 17, 2006
Haute Savoie,France
nice pictures on your site:)

point and shoot, I'm glad we can do that without reflex cameras. But for the one with the old books and the trees behind (wallpaper), you did retouch it in iphoto or photoshop right?
Anyways, great shots, and bravo again:)
FrankieTDouglas said:
This photo was a project of, well... basically to understand yourself and portray that in a photograph. A self-portrait.

There's a larger concept going on inside of this photograph, but unless someone actually wants to go into that, I'll just post the photo to see what you guys think...

Take it easy!


I like it, I am especially fond of the use of the bookcases for a symetrical frame. ok I'm sure it's clear by now that the sum total of everything I know about art could be inscribed on the rim of a shot glass w/ a blunt crayon. That said, the hand miror w/ no reflexion reminds me of a painting I saw years ago...Guy in a Tux & top hat but the face was removed and the background could be seen. Unless I'm imagining the memory. Anywho, I like it, very clever. Is the mirror supposed to suggest that you feel blank or empty, or maybe that people rarely see what makes them individuals? Again, I know jack about art, so I'll stop speculating now.
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