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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2007
So I'm debating whether to sell this and buy a new body or keep this as a spare and save up for a new dSLR.

What do you guys think this is worth? A friend is interested in buying it for about $500, but since I've spent $1000 on this, I'm not sure I want to let it go for that price.

  • Rebel XT silver w/ kit lens
  • Camera Grip BG-E3
  • Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens
  • 1GB CF Card

I tried doing a search on ebay but the problem is it's flooded by all these packages from sellers. Very few used ones. And the ones that I have found that sell are bought/won by newbies with 0 feedback, which leads me to believe scammers with fake credit cards.

What do you guys suggest? Would you keep it?

Please let me know what you guys think this is worth and worth selling. If so, I'll post it in the Marketplace (I hate ebay scammers).


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2007
Your friends offer is a start. You may be able to get a little more for it (550-600). Part of the problem though is that Canon is still making the XT and with the updated XTi the price of the XT dropped, hence used prices drop. I doubt you would get your full 1000 back.

If i was you, i would probably hang on to it, save up for a new dSLR, make sure i'm satisfied with the new camera, then sell the old one and buy a nice lens.

Scarlet Fever

macrumors 68040
Jul 22, 2005
Will the new dSLR have all the features the Rebel XT has? Do you feel you would be missing out on features if you sold the Rebel XT?

I'm in a similar situation; i'm planning to go dSLR as an upgrade from my S3 IS, and I was considering selling it to fund the dSLR. If I did that, I would be missing out on the 0 cm macro (until I got a good macro lens) and the video mode of the S3 IS. It has features the dSLRs can't offer me at this point, so it's not worth selling the S3 IS.

I hope I'm making sense; i should be asleep by now :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 6, 2007
I'd go for a more advanced dSLR, maybe 30D or something, haven't decided.

I don't expect to get 100% back, even 70% would be nice. 50% just sounds like I'm getting ripped off.

I'd keep it as an extra body because then I could have 2 around my neck, one with a telephoto zoom lens for close ups and the other (rebel) with something less powerful.

Thanks J'aime. I think maybe I'll just keep it. I also heard that Canon is going release the 40D soon, which means I'd be able to sell it for even less. And not to mention the ebay hassles.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
DSLR technology moves quickly. Don't expect a DSLR body to hold it's value for long. Once the new model comes out the only reason to buy a used older model is to save money. If a buyer can save only 25% by buying used most will opt for a new camera with a new warranty and all. Think from the buyers point of view. You are selling a used camera, "as is" with no warranty.

One way to think about a DSLR body that it is a pack of film. You use it up and it's gone then you buy another one. So it cost you $500 to own the camera (buy for $1000 sell for $500) If you used it to shoot even as little as 5,000 frames that's only ten cents per frame. The camera paid for it self over using film already.

Lenses hold their value better because a 10 year old lens is as good as a new one. The technology does not move very fast. There is one exception. "Kit" lenses are quite hard to sell because everyone who could use the lenses likely already has one. So I should have said that the higher quality lenses hold value.

Do you NEED a backup body? How often do you think our primary body will fail? How much will a failure cost you? If you want two bodies why not get one that is very complementary so you will actually use it even if the primary does not fail. Buy a _film_ Rebel for about $60 and load it with blac and white film.

If you do thing you will ever sell the camera sel it soon. It will just collect dust and lose value (quickly) if you keep it and never use it

So I'm debating whether to sell this and buy a new body or keep this as a spare and save up for a new dSLR.

What do you guys think this is worth? A friend is interested in buying it for about $500, but since I've spent $1000 on this, I'm not sure I want to let it go for that price....


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I don't expect to get 100% back, even 70% would be nice. 50% just sounds like I'm getting ripped off.

50% of retail for used consumer-level electronics is very good. You only get this much because it is a relatively recent model. Like I wrote above, look at the cost per frame. This is what you should be caring about. If it's costing you ten cents per frame you are doing well enough.
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