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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri. USA
There is a local real estate agency that wishes to use several of my Kansas City photos on their website. This would be my first time selling images for website use, as in the past whenever I have sold my work it has been for print usage. And because of this, I am unsure as to how much money I should be asking for.

A friend of mine who does a lot more photography sales than I do advised that since it is just a local agent, I should probably price each photo (at lower res) for $25 to $35 apiece. Perhaps with that price entitling them to about an 800 x 525 resolution, with a price increase the higher the resolution they want.

For those of you in the business of selling your pictures, does that sound about right? What would be the industry standard for licensing a low res version, a medium res version, and a full high res version? And what prices should I ask for for each one?

Help me please. Thanks.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
It all depends on what they have in mind for the audience. I would jump on the site to determine whether it is a web site for 100,000 people or one that a few hundred might see.

You can also package a certain number together to lure them into buying more.

$50 for 1
$90 for 2
$120 for 3



macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
Since they could basically nick them from your site to begin with, charge low. Since its not a print, you have 0 overhead cost and as long as you don't give them any sort of exclusivity, then you can continue to make money off them.

$25 per at a low-ish resolution sounds just fine. Its cheap enough that they won't hesitate and might buy alot, but high enough that its worth your trouble.
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