I am selling my Mac Pro G5. I don't have the install Mac OS X disc at ALL. In the terminal when i restarted the mac i entered : mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now
I did this cause I forgot my admin username and password. It did the whole registration and did the last option to not transfer my folders.. Now will this not have my information or do I still need to do a 0 or 7 secure erase pass? Cause I did this yesterday and said startup disk is full? but how can that be I have about 21.4 GB used.Also HOW do I erase my account username and password for the new person taking my Mac? I want them to have all the basic general programs that come with the Mac which I am doing. Please answer all my questions.. THANKS
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now
I did this cause I forgot my admin username and password. It did the whole registration and did the last option to not transfer my folders.. Now will this not have my information or do I still need to do a 0 or 7 secure erase pass? Cause I did this yesterday and said startup disk is full? but how can that be I have about 21.4 GB used.Also HOW do I erase my account username and password for the new person taking my Mac? I want them to have all the basic general programs that come with the Mac which I am doing. Please answer all my questions.. THANKS