PB FixIt Success Story
We've purchased hundreds of laptops from customers. I've found that customers appreciate having a trustworthy company they can sell their Mac to. We make the process straightforward and simple.
Here's a customer testimonial: "The past transaction worked very well with the G3 Wallstreet I sent you and I wanted to thank you for the easy shipping and your professional approach. I have 2 other G3 PowerBooks with "issues" that you may be interested in giving me a price on buying." -P. M.
Here's how the process works:
1) You tell us about your computer here:
2) We reply with a price we'll pay you for your computer.
2) If you agree, we send you a pre-paid shipping label via e-mail.
3) You ship the computer to us within 7 days using the label.
4) When we receive your computer as described, we send you a check for the agreed amount.
Note: If for some reason the computer is not as described, we simply send it back to you, no charge.
Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.
-Kyle Wiens