Just caught this story on Gizmodo.. there are some minimal workarounds to make the magic happen but thy seem easy enough..
--short except--
If you have an Eye-Fi SD Card and an iPad, you can ditch Apple's iPad Camera Connection kit right now. Just use the app ShutterSnitch, which sends the photos on your Eye-Fi directly to your iPad (and iPhone).
It's a sorta roundabout way of getting things done, but it works. You'll need an Eye-Fi SD card, the ShutterSnitch app, a router (or mifi), and oh, an iPad and a camera. The router is needed because sadly, your iPad can't create its own Wi-Fi network.
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--short except--
If you have an Eye-Fi SD Card and an iPad, you can ditch Apple's iPad Camera Connection kit right now. Just use the app ShutterSnitch, which sends the photos on your Eye-Fi directly to your iPad (and iPhone).
It's a sorta roundabout way of getting things done, but it works. You'll need an Eye-Fi SD card, the ShutterSnitch app, a router (or mifi), and oh, an iPad and a camera. The router is needed because sadly, your iPad can't create its own Wi-Fi network.
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