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I have noticed that when i send a long text on the new iphone software the section that i am typing in gets bigger and bigger, and the window which shows the previous message gets smaller and smaller, and goes completly if i write a really long message. This is so annoying, because one of the best things about the texting on the iphone is being able to see the last message as you write so you dont forget what they wrote!

It happens in both normal and landscape mode.

I hope that makes sense :D

On the old software it didnt happen like this! Is this a bug or is it supposed to be like this for some stupid reason?
Can you make the section you are typing in only 2 or 3 lines big like before, and scroll up and down that?

I would consider downgrading, because i text lots, thats how bad it is!
It's considered a feature, and it's not only in texts, but in any text field you're typing in: they get bigger so you're not constantly trying to scroll up and down to see what you're writing.

If you're sending texts that long that often, why not break it up yourself? You know the iPhone is going to split it after 160 characters anyway.
Well, when it is given as an inbuilt(good function) then we have adjust ourselves like breaking up, thats a good idea, coz thats's what I do, when I message.
break it up? You mean send a few texts instead of 1 big one? So you think counting 160 chars. and sending a text, then doing it again and again until you are finished is easier?!!? Not to mention the person at the other end getting 4 or 5 texts.

Its more work, and stupid imo. They got it right the first time.

You know the iPhone is going to split it after 160 characters anyway
It doesnt split it, i know what you mean, 1 text=160 chars, but most if not all modern mobiles handle long texts so you can write more chars. and it appears as 1 text.
break it up? You mean send a few texts instead of 1 big one? So you think counting 160 chars. and sending a text, then doing it again and again until you are finished is easier?!!? Not to mention the person at the other end getting 4 or 5 texts.

Its more work, and stupid imo. They got it right the first time.

It doesnt split it, i know what you mean, 1 text=160 chars, but most if not all modern mobiles handle long texts so you can write more chars. and it appears as 1 text.

No, it splits it. Either way they are getting multiple messages, as SMS can only transfer 160 characters. Most phones see (1 of 2) or (1/2) on the messages indicating there is more. Or maybe you shouldn't ramble via SMS? I get what you are saying, but if you can't remember what you are replying too maybe its a sign that your reply is too long and not on subject. Pretend you are talking to someone. If someone asks you a question and you start replying with a few sentences, do you stop and ask "What did you say again?" mid way through? No. So why is SMS any different, read and comprehend the reply then answer. Easy as pie.
No, it splits it. Either way they are getting multiple messages, as SMS can only transfer 160 characters

so, you are saying that if i send you a message which is 180chars long you will get 1 message which is 160 then another which is 20??

I guess you are all american? in the UK and europe if we send a text which is over 160chars most modern mobiles handle a long text as 1 message, so it appears as 1 message; even on my old nokia 3310 it did! (9 years ago). Yes, it is technically 2 messages, you will use 2 messages in your allowence or it will cost 2 messages, i know...What i am saying is, if we send a message which is over 160 it still appears as one. Maybe you dont over there, i have no idea. (seriously over there it splits it!?!? - please tell me!! maybe its a network thing)

Or maybe you shouldn't ramble via SMS? I get what you are saying, but if you can't remember what you are replying too maybe its a sign that your reply is too long and not on subject. Pretend you are talking to someone. If someone asks you a question and you start replying with a few sentences, do you stop and ask "What did you say again?" mid way through? No. So why is SMS any different, read and comprehend the reply then answer. Easy as pie.
Because i write a long message and so does someone else. So they may ask 4 or 5 things and i might forget 1; i'm sorry if you people dont get texting! ;) everyone i know uses texts more than talking, its just the way it is here :D

anyway its straying off the subject a little....

There is a way to do it, you have to press 'edit' and you can go back and see then, its a pain in the arse tho.

Oh as for having a big text area to write so you dont have to scroll...well i just sent a text and had still had to scroll through the text i sent, 9 lines space is not enough :D

Anyhow i think its a bad thing, my friends who have iphones have all said the same, 1 isnt even going to bother with the 'up'grade because of it.
so, you are saying that if i send you a message which is 180chars long you will get 1 message which is 160 then another which is 20??

I guess you are all american? in the UK and europe if we send a text which is over 160chars most modern mobiles handle a long text as 1 message, so it appears as 1 message; even on my old nokia 3310 it did! (9 years ago). Yes, it is technically 2 messages, you will use 2 messages in your allowence or it will cost 2 messages, i know...What i am saying is, if we send a message which is over 160 it still appears as one. Maybe you dont over there, i have no idea. (seriously over there it splits it!?!? - please tell me!! maybe its a network thing)

My girlfriend has a brand new phone, and when she sends me long messages my iPhone gets 2 separate messages labeled (1/2) and (2/2). Most phones used in the US are made elsewhere, so I can't imagine it is a phone thing (the US doesn't make hardly, if any of their phones). Since SMS can only handle 160 characters, the sending device must do the splitting I assume. And most people I know have phones that do this, they get split into multiple received messages.
aaaaah ok, i am sorry for the confusion then. In the UK and EU we can send a long message and it comes as 1 message. I have sent a message "19 messages long" once, and it came as 1. We have been able to for so long its just a normal thing to write a message over 160 long now. On my old Sony Ericcson it would alert you and say "sms2", "sms3" and so on when you got to the end, but the receiver got 1 long message.

I have learned something new about the US telecoms today :D I also hear you have to pay to receive a text!? madness LOL.
Okay, no wonder you have an issue with it. 19 messages long?! :eek:

I definitely text like conversation, but I either guesstimate and split it myself, or let the iPhone do it, but I don't go over 2 messages worth. I've gotten messages out of order, and it's annoying, so I don't send them.

I do like your region's way better, though. Paying only for sending texts and combining them both sound better than the American way. :(
LOL the 19 message long text was a one-off, usually its 1-2 messages long, sometimes 3-4 messages long. Anyway i just tested a message 160chars, and it takes up lots of space, so i could only see 1-2 lines of the previous message which is pretty pointless.

I really did like the layout of the texts, being able to see the previous texts while sending a text was great, (not just the last one but many previous ones) and its more or less gone :( I really dont understand the change (maybe it has something to do with copy/paste function).

I genuinely cant believe you dont have long texts though! I'll have to consider an EU phone next time round.
LOL the 19 message long text was a one-off, usually its 1-2 messages long, sometimes 3-4 messages long. Anyway i just tested a message 160chars, and it takes up lots of space, so i could only see 1-2 lines of the previous message which is pretty pointless.

I really did like the layout of the texts, being able to see the previous texts while sending a text was great, (not just the last one but many previous ones) and its more or less gone :( I really dont understand the change (maybe it has something to do with copy/paste function).

I genuinely cant believe you dont have long texts though! I'll have to consider an EU phone next time round.

-or- use text messaging properly. SMS: Short Message Service (SMS) is a communications protocol allowing the interchange of short text messages between mobile telephone devices.

:) If you are going ramble, email or call the person. I mean come on, a 19 message SMS would be 3,040 characters, or roughly 608 words. At at 12 words a sentence, thats 50 sentences. Woah. WAY too long. That's an essay.
seriously, just remember what the person said, and then write your text. why do you need to see the history of the persons life to write your text
LOL i am well aware of what SMS means. There is no 'properly', sending a long message is perfectly normal this side of the atlantic!

Its definatly must be a culture thing, maybe you guys over there use email more than we do, if i wanna send a message to a friend i will send them a text every time; its by far quicker...People always have their mobile with them. They arent always at a computer (yes i know now you can get email on the go, thats not always been the case-and thats still on your mobile anyway!). More people have a mobile or use a mobile than email (here anyway).

The 19 message long text was a one-off like i said, what can i say, i'm a man with lots to say :p

I guess you arent up to speed with the whole texting thing still :D

seriously, just remember what the person said, and then write your text. why do you need to see the history of the persons life to write your text
LOL it can be hard when someone asks a few things or i might want to see what they said a few messages back....The point i am making is that the old software let me do that, it was great, this doesnt and its suppsed to be an upgrade i.e. improved, which i dont think it i get more lines for the message i write instead of what i received, and that is better why?
LOL i am well aware of what SMS means. There is no 'properly', sending a long message is perfectly normal this side of the atlantic!

Its definatly must be a culture thing, maybe you guys over there use email more than we do, if i wanna send a message to a friend i will send them a text every time; its by far quicker...People always have their mobile with them. They arent always at a computer (yes i know now you can get email on the go, thats not always been the case-and thats still on your mobile anyway!). More people have a mobile or use a mobile than email (here anyway).

The 19 message long text was a one-off like i said, what can i say, i'm a man with lots to say :p

I guess you arent up to speed with the whole texting thing still :D

LOL it can be hard when someone asks a few things or i might want to see what they said a few messages back....The point i am making is that the old software let me do that, it was great, this doesnt and its suppsed to be an upgrade i.e. improved, which i dont think it i get more lines for the message i write instead of what i received, and that is better why?

why is it better? i would rather see what I wrote than what other people wrote, if you are exchanging novels, then just call the person. it is called Short Message Service for a reason
i would rather see what I wrote
why, you just wrote it, if you cant remember what you just wrote then.....

if you are exchanging novels, then just call the person

Maybe you cant/dont want to call them for any number of reasons.

i can see why texting has taken so long to get off the ground over there, no wonder you dont have 'long messages' yet. Maybe one day :)
why, you just wrote it, if you cant remember what you just wrote then.....

Maybe you cant/dont want to call them for any number of reasons.

i can see why texting has taken so long to get off the ground over there, no wonder you dont have 'long messages' yet. Maybe one day :)

it is more to see that i didnt make any mistakes in my typing. and also, it is annoying as **** when someone types me a huge text. if you cant make phone calls they you shouldnt be writing huge text messages either. both are distracting, the difference is text messages take a lot longer
it is more to see that i didnt make any mistakes in my typing
You need all those lines? And if you do, why are you writing such long messages!?! :D There was nothing wrong with 2 lines, if your only writing a short message then you wont have to scroll much will you :)

if you cant make phone calls they you shouldnt be writing huge text messages either

lol, why? texting is not just seen as sending someone a quick message, it is seen as communicating instead of calling aswell. People have convasations over texts, there are so many reasons why you would text instead of calling. Do you wanna call someone at 1am? Do you wanna receive a call at 1am? Would you prefer a text? one of a million reasons. I wouldnt like to be your friend, if your message went over 160 chars you might just think "oh well, its too long, i'll not bother" :D
if my messages went long, i would call

lol, so you are saying, if you have a few words to say then you will send a text. If you want to tell someone your life story you will call? And there is nothing in the middle?? You could write 200 chars which is more than 1 text but might only take 5 seconds to say, and you think thats better? Waste of a call if you ask me, why bother when you can text.

So you dont do any social networking or emailing with your friends, because why would you, if you have something to say you will call them :) aaah Text messages, they'll never catch on.

I just had a quick look at your call plans, lol you dont get it free texts included? $39.99/month and texts bundles are extra!? No wonder you dont text :D Data ontop of that aswell!?

Out of interest how many texts to you send a month? Anyone?
lol, so you are saying, if you have a few words to say then you will send a text. If you want to tell someone your life story you will call? And there is nothing in the middle?? You could write 200 chars which is more than 1 text but might only take 5 seconds to say, and you think thats better? Waste of a call if you ask me, why bother when you can text.

So you dont do any social networking or emailing with your friends, because why would you, if you have something to say you will call them :) aaah Text messages, they'll never catch on.

I just had a quick look at your call plans, lol you dont get it free texts included? $39.99/month and texts bundles are extra!? No wonder you dont text :D Data ontop of that aswell!?

Out of interest how many texts to you send a month? Anyone?

i have unlimited texting. if i want to social network with my friends i use the available apps (facebook, twitter, whrrl) so get your facts straight. text has caught on, for exactly what it's worth. short messages
i have unlimited texting. if i want to social network with my friends i use the available apps (facebook, twitter, whrrl) so get your facts straight. text has caught on, for exactly what it's worth. short messages

lol this is getting hillarious now. i cant be bothered to argue about this now its getting boring and i made my point.

our texting culture will never catch on there, too many single and narrow mindedness from what i have seen.

The new iphone software is rubbish for texting now, it had something good and its gone; People that actually use text messages agree.
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