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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 26, 2002
Somewhere near Philadelphia
Hello! Gotta font question. I have a client trying to send/FTP me fonts. They say they are "Mac" fonts, but when I get them, I can't open them with the latest version of Extensis Suitcase or...FontBook (of which I have no idea how to use).

The fonts are either .bmp (which show 0kb file size), .afm (which show 40kb) or fonts with no extension which also show 0kb. Seems like each font has these three extensions...or missing extension.

I'm not good with fonts so any advice would be great. Thanks!
are they stuffed/zipped? they could be getting scrambled in transmission if not.
Font problems

OK, now we're talking my language. There are 3 kinds of fonts used in the printing world (weather to a laserjet, inkjet or for commercial offset printing). The oldest and maybe original is the "True Type" (.TTF) a single file that contains not only the code for monitor display but also the variations such as "bold", "italic", etc. and the information need to print the cahracter. The second is the "PostScript" type 1 font that is a 2 part system, the "Display" font file (the ones found in those little suitcases), and the "Printer" font that has the icon from whatever foundry owns the font. It is important to know that you can re-name the suitcase itself but not the file inside nor can you change the name of the printer font, and both files must be in the same folder to work properly. Tha names are base on a 5-3-3 naming structure, such that an font called Helvetica Bold would have the name HelveBol if it was Bold Italic it would read HelveBolobl, the obl standing for oblique the same as italic. The third font is the newest brought to you by our friends at Adobe called "OpenType" fonts and are the first cross compatible fonts on the market. They are a single file font and do have an extension .OTF.
If the fonts you are getting from your client are either .pfm or .pmb then you are looking at PC format Postscript fonts, if they have a .TTF they can be either. the ATM folders had something to do with PCs and I am a little scetching on the exact use of them since I have always just deleted those.
Also Check to make sure your client knows about fonts.

Good Luck, Sparky
Thanks, Sparky! One of the most confusing things for me on the Mac is dealing with fonts. I am using the latest version of Suitecase and Safari gets really funky...or quits...when I have certain fonts open with Suitcase. But I really appreciated your explanation of fonts there. That cleared up a bunch of stuff for me.
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