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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2010
When I signed up for MobileMe I wasn't planning on sticking around so I didn't put a lot of thought into my nickname. Now, I have an iPhone and I've become quite the convert so I'm in need of a better name.

I was able to setup an alias without any trouble and I even got it working on my phone so that I can send from said alias.

I just have one question. When I send an email from that account it shows up in the recipients inbox as "" instead of just showing up as from "firstname LastName".

Basically what I'm asking is, is there a way to change the "From" name using an alias?


macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2010
The alias works fine when sent from the MobileMe website. It's just whenever I send an email from my iPhone that it appears in the From field in the recipients mailbox.


macrumors member
Oct 28, 2007
On mine in the account settings for the MobileMe account on the phone, The first entry is "Name" I have my full name in mine and that is what controls it for me.
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