Here's hoping to the prompt addition of at least a blood glucose sensor. That would be extraordinary and actually very useful for health monitoring for anyone.
Here's hoping to the prompt addition of at least a blood glucose sensor. That would be extraordinary and actually very useful for health monitoring for anyone.
Blood Glucose testing requires a blood test which is invasive. Testing in a noninvasive way would require a new technology (GoogleX is working on a contact lens test that may be available in a couple of years) and LOTS of FDA scrutiny and years of tests. There is 0% chance of this happening.
At this point, the only systems being added to popular wearables are those desired by the vast majority of purchasers, and those one might want to often share. I doubt blood glucose would be added to any major wearable, because it is neither.
There are patches and perspiration sensors that can determine glucose levels, Tim Ferriss is involved with one of the companies. Blood Glucose is an extremely useful data point for health & weight management.
I fell sure Apple is R&Ding this and very much wants glucose measurements (and who wouldn't). However it will probably be about gen 3 before it's implemented.