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Hammer Slammer

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006
On both my email app as well as when I try to access my mail from a diffrent computer it is not showing any email that I sent for the last two weeks. People are receiving the email that I send but it is not showing up.

There was an issue when I tried to send a message it said that message could not be sent using this accont and it listed a diffrent account that I created.

Thanks for any help.
Whoa, cowboy, back up! ;) What kind of e-mail are you using? What e-mail app are you using? Is it being read on your computer via IMAP, POP, an Exchange server, a Groupwise server, what? When you try to access it from a "different computer," how are you accessing it -- with another mail program, or with a web-based interface?
ok backing up.... beep beep

I am using the .mac mail app accessing it from my mac, and from PC's via the

I am trying to be acurate but I am a limited in my knowledge of terms and other stuff.

When I send it for the applacation stright from my mac. or from the the website it sends it, and it is received, but it doesn't show that it was sent. Also I don't think that it sends every message.
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