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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2010
Would you change accounts if you had a separate account for purchases and then icloud? i.e. would u merge them both?

All my purchases are on a gmail account.

My icloud stuff is on my ... only reason i wanna keep it is because its my actual first name.

do u guys see any future complications regarding this or am i safe to keep purchasing on gmail, iclouding using a different email?
I have a gmail address as my Apple ID and have discovered that I can't change that. However, I've added my addresses (I have two aliases for web and business use) in my Apple account information and now use my main to log in to iCloud and anything else. How I managed to do that, I'll never know.

Funny thing, though, all my app purchase receipts go to the gmail account. I've tried everything to change that email ID, but the best I can do is the compromise.
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