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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2017
I am fresh out of Android Land. I prefer that OS, but I'm tired of having handset problems while the other three members of my plan all remain problem-free on their iPhones. I've never been a big fan of the walled-garden concept, but my iPod always had me appreciating that this side of the divide was more intuitive up-front. So this has been a surprisingly frustrating switch.

Uh, anyway: I realllllly need to be able to set my text/email/Facebook notifications to be quieter than my ringtone. I'm used to separate volume sliders for notifications and ringer. Right now I can choose to not hear my ringer, or get blasted out by my notifications. I'm choosing the latter, because I don't want to miss anything, but it's making me more than a little grumpy. I'm seeing around Teh Intarwebz that this is a common frustration, and it doesn't look like there's a solution within the OS, not at least that I could find. IF that is the case, does anyone have a trusted app that would fix this? Would Apple even allow such a thing? I'm leaving the darn thing on silent more often than not, hoping the stronger buzz of this handset (definitely stronger than my Android sets) will make up for it. But that's not what I'd prefer.

Sorry about the rant, thanks for your time.

EDIT: I don't think it probably matters, but I have an 8 plus.
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