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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 15, 2013
Hi, I’m just curious how many people carry 2+ phones? I have just purchased another phone to use for work to help me separate work/life.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2004
I had the option of getting a work phone or adding my work account to my personal phone. I decided to add the work account to my personal phone. Why?
  1. I upgrade my phone more frequently than most and didn't want to be limited in device choice
  2. I hate the idea of carrying two phones when I prefer the Max screen size
  3. I'm not paranoid about our IT department "spying" on me
Having said that, I know lots of people that prefer having two phones because they think the IT department is spaying on them, or they are afraid they will send a message to the wrong person from the wrong phone.


macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
I have a work phone supplied by my employer. I would never spend my own money to have two phones.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2022
I have two mobile phones.

My work iPhone is strictly controlled and managed. I could use it for personal use, but I find it good to be able to switch it off at the end of the day and have that separation from work.
The strict IT policies I work under mean there are limits on what I can install, and some functions limited.

My personal mobile is an account I had before I had the option for a work phone.
For a while I was able to claim my mobile cost as expenses, but eventually work policies made this untenable so I got a separate work mobile.

Carrying two mobiles can be a pain, but having that separation between work and personal life works well for me now.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I have two phones, but I rarely carry both. My secondary phone is mainly used when I feel there might be some risk at losing or damaging my main phone (usually when out walking). But I haven't been doing that for some time, so mainly I'm just using my main phone.

My wife though demanded a second line shortly after beginning her second year as a teacher. She put her old phone on that line and carries both each day. She wants parents to be able to reach her, but NOT on her main phone.

Considering some of the antics I've heard about some of the parents she deals with, I have zero problems with her having a second phone for work.
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