in ical, when i delete an event in ical, and then sync to my ipod, sometimes the even will still show up on my ipod, but not in ical. also, lets say i have 2 events scheduled for a given day. Then i sync to ical. If i change the location of the event in ical, and then sync it to my ipod, it wil show both the old version and the new version of the event on my ipod. Sometimes, i see the same event up to 3 times on my ipod! The whole thing is useless if i cant look at my day clearly! does anyone know why this would be? i would rather not reset my ipod if i dont have to, and i have already reinstalled ical. i have the latest ical, isync, ipod 1.3, and 10.2.8 installed already. Any help appriciated!