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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
OK, this is screwy. How do you set the date format on the menubar? I went to System Preferences -> Date & Time -> International -> Formats -> Customize

So, I type in how I want it, click OK... and nothing happens! I close Sys Pref panel, no changes. My date display format on the menubar is "Wed" - that's it. Seems nothing I can do about this. Any ideas?

Edit: and yes, I do it as admin, and the pref panel is unlocked to allow changes. Another thing, when I click on the "Wed" in the menubar, it shows a bunch of options, but the format I want is greyed out.
OldCorpse said:
OK, this is screwy. How do you set the date format on the menubar? I went to System Preferences -> Date & Time -> International -> Formats -> Customize

So, I type in how I want it, click OK... and nothing happens! I close Sys Pref panel, no changes. My date display format on the menubar is "Wed" - that's it. Seems nothing I can do about this. Any ideas?

What about just the Clock tab under Date & Time?

Check "Show the date and time"?
As far as I know, its always abbreviated and you cannot change that. I believe its always been this way in at least the last two OS X releases.
mvelinder said:
What about just the Clock tab under Date & Time?

Check "Show the date and time"?

Yeah, it's checked.

Can't change it? I don't want it expanded, but I do want the day of the month shown. As is, the only thing I got there is "Wed" - not really useful. I want to have something like: "22 Wed, Feb"... is that asking too much?
WildCowboy said:
Here is a thread discussing how to change things.

Thank you very much, WildCowboy! One of the posts in the link you gave, sent me to OSX Hints, and I found a workaround to get what I wanted... whew!

Funny, I searched the forums here for "format date" and got two hits, none of which was the link you gave me :(

And on another note, why does Apple make this so difficult? I mean, this doesn't seem to me to ask for that much, just to be able to set the format of the date display as one wants... they already give the pref panel, why not make it more flexible... BWDIK :(

Anyhow, I'm all set now. Thanks again!
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