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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 8, 2013
Syracuse, NY
Hi all,

I'm trying to get server in 10.11.4 set so afp clients are disconnected after a couple hours of being idle, but not if they have files open and not if they are Admins.

I issue this terminal command:

sudo serveradmin settings afp:idleDisconnectFlag:adminUsers = no

Then this:

sudo serveradmin settings afp:idleDisconnectFlag:usersWithOpenFiles = No

Setting the second one clears the first. In other words, if I examine the value of afp:idleDisconnectFlag:adminUsers after setting afp:idleDisconnectFlag:usersWithOpenFiles, it returns _empty_dictionary.

If I set afp:idleDisconnectFlag:adminUsers = no again, then usersWithOpenFiles returns _empty_dictionary.

Is there a way to set both these flags without clearing the other?

I know the setting used to be there, because earlier I ran

sudo serveradmin settings afp

And got a list of them, including (and I have proof because I saved it to a text file):

afp:idleDisconnectFlag:adminUsers = yes
afp:idleDisconnectFlag:registeredUsers = yes
afp:idleDisconnectFlag:usersWithOpenFiles = yes
afp:idleDisconnectFlag:guestUsers = yes​

No idea what's happened, but now they're gone, save for one at a time (I can set adminUsers OR usersWithOpenFiles, but not both)


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