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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 19, 2016
Hi, I am new to MacRumors, but have been a Mac user my entire life. This is the first thing has frustrated me to no end. Forgive me if this has already been addressed in a past forum post:

I am trying to install a new email account in my Mail from my company's hosting company.

Right now, I have an email address from my company that works perfectly in my Mac Mail. It was installed prior to me upgrading to El Capitan (10.11.3). Recently, I was asked to provide very detailed instructions to my fellow employees (we all work remotely along the east coast) on how to install their email addresses in Mac Mail.

To do that I set up a Test email on the server and attempted to walk through the set up. Right off the bat, my computer told me the username/password could not be found on the server. which wasn't true. Everything was typed in correctly. After multiple attempts, it finally went through. I made sure the settings for the new account matched (minus the username/passwords) the existing working account. Meaning, i made sure the incoming/outgoing ports were matched, etc.

As always when attempting to set up emails since the El Capitan, i am able to receive emails but not send. It will ask me to put in my password for the account and when i do it tells me it doesn't work. I tried resetting the password, uninstalling and reinstalling the new account, restarting the machine. Nothing seems to work.

The hosting company does not have anyone on staff experienced enough with Mac to walk me through this and basically told me it was a platform issue and not a hosting issue.

Does anyone have any advice? I am at my wits end and my boss needs my co-workers emails set up. I should state that all my coworkers have attempted to install the email accounts on their own with the same result. They are all on El Capitan.

Thanks in advanced


macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2011
Are you trying to setup as POP or IMAP? Have you tested webmail with the new test account to see if you can login?

El Capitan Mail has been a bit finicky with POP accounts.

What are the required settings for Incoming and Outgoing?


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
Sounds like smtp settings are wrong. Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts, click on the outgoing/smtp dropbox and click "Edit". Select the server and verify ports are correct, "password required" options correct, etc. SMTP settings, at times, can be squirrelly and not documented well by e-mail host provider.


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2013
Go to ->Window ->Connection Doctor and it will show you if it is either the IMAP, SMPT (or both) settings are wrong.
If it is wrong it will show the colour red. You can then double click on the one that is wrong to be taken straight to the dialogue box to fix it.

As mentioned above by "NoBoMac" it sounds like SMPT problem


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Is it IMAP or POP?

Have you attempted to setup the account on any other devices to verify it isn't server related?

This is very easy but ONLY if you have the correct information which I feel is probably the issue here. After you add a new mail account it will probably fail the login and you'll be taken to a dialog box like this.

Screen Shot 2016-03-20 at 9.26.44 AM.png

You need to make sure the account type is correct and the mail servers are correct. All this information can vary wildly and if any of it is incorrect it won't work.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
13,036 (through Apple's design) will not let a user create a new POP account easily. Seems like they don't want you to do this.
When you try to create a new account, the only option Mail offers is IMAP.
POP is NOT available.

There's a "trick" to getting around this intentional roadblock.

Try it this way:
- create the new account (will go to this panel by default if Mail has never been run before, OR, if you go to Mail/Preferences/Accounts and click the "+" button on the lower left
- assuming you have the email address you want to use and the password, enter the address, BUT (important)...
- enter a WRONG password. DO NOT enter the correct one!
- Mail will attempt to create the account and fail. This is what you WANT to happen.
- Mail will now present you with a popup menu for choosing the account type (IMAP or POP).
- Select POP and NOW enter the correct email and password.

Now you CAN create a POP account.

Personal experience:
I'm a POP user forever.
I will NEVER use IMAP, until the option of POP is removed entirely.
Works for me...


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
mossy wrote:
"Good for you (and your single device)"

I have three Macs, and use POP for a single email account with ALL of them.

Works fine, if you know how to set it up.
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