I'm thinking about getting an iSight and having my parents start using iChat AV. (That way, they'll be able to communicate with their grandkids.) However, when I view the "getting started" section of iChat Help, I get the following message:
You need an instant messaging address, also known as a "screen name," to use with iChat AV. If you already have a .Mac membership, you simply use your Mac.com email address. If you don't have a Mac.com address, visit the .Mac website to sign up. Or, if you have an AOL or AIM screen name, use it instead. You can't use screen names from other instant messaging systems, such as MSN or Yahoo, with iChat AV.
My parents have neither a .Mac membership nor an AIM screen name. Does that mean that they'd have to get .Mac in order to use iChat or does Panther provide the user with an AIM account?
Oh, one more thing...they have dial-up. iChat AV would be next to useless with a dial-up connection, correct? I've been trying to convince them to make the leap to high-speed Internet but my Dad (one step below "novice computer user") is worried about screwing up the install process. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all he'd have to do is plug the cable into the back of the machine, right? There's no configuring or anything to do, is there? Isn't that one of the beauties of having a Mac?
Do any of you use iChat AV to keep in touch with family members on the other side of the world? Are there any other problems you can think about?
You need an instant messaging address, also known as a "screen name," to use with iChat AV. If you already have a .Mac membership, you simply use your Mac.com email address. If you don't have a Mac.com address, visit the .Mac website to sign up. Or, if you have an AOL or AIM screen name, use it instead. You can't use screen names from other instant messaging systems, such as MSN or Yahoo, with iChat AV.
My parents have neither a .Mac membership nor an AIM screen name. Does that mean that they'd have to get .Mac in order to use iChat or does Panther provide the user with an AIM account?
Oh, one more thing...they have dial-up. iChat AV would be next to useless with a dial-up connection, correct? I've been trying to convince them to make the leap to high-speed Internet but my Dad (one step below "novice computer user") is worried about screwing up the install process. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all he'd have to do is plug the cable into the back of the machine, right? There's no configuring or anything to do, is there? Isn't that one of the beauties of having a Mac?
Do any of you use iChat AV to keep in touch with family members on the other side of the world? Are there any other problems you can think about?