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Farr Canal

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2018
I have a ISP provided router and wish to hang off that my Time Capsule with Internet access.
The reason for keeping the ISP provided router is that I have VDSL and the TC is ADSL only.
This had been working up until recently when a "friend" unplugged everything.
From the ISP router Lan there is a cable connecting to the TC Wan. The TC creates its own network called a different name and networking is set in bridge mode.
I can not seem to get internet access from the TC. I can connect to the TC network but need to give the device connecting a static IP address.
The TC has a static IP address within the range of the ISP router
The Router address on the TC is the same as the ISP address
wifi channels are set to auto on both
I know it will be something simple but for love nor money can I figure out what has changed
I have yet to reset the TC but unless any wisdom can be imparted this is my next step

ISP router DHCP subnet
TC router static subnet Router add Bridge mode
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