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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Hello everyone, First I thank you for trying to help me... because It is probably not going to be easy...

The specs of my computer are 10.2.x
(some haxies that never give me problems)
iMac 800 768 Ram.

Well well well.

For the first day of Hannukah (Screw the spelling)... I got Stuffit 8, fair enough, not to expensive... ah well I rip open the box, install it... and wouldn't you know it installs a menu-bar... I say 'fine, I don't like that there so I will uninstall/remove it' So I go to the menu-bar it says 'preferences' (something to that affect) and then :wham: It Kernal Panics!

Maajor Bummer... I know it hasn't been me first kernal panic... but I know stuffit 7 was fine... and it was still installed so until they get the problem fixed I will uninstall, right?
Wrong, I boot up, log into my account and click the install/uninstall problem, what happens... It Kernal Panics!!!!

Me -- 'Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap'
Computer -- 'You have to hold the power button for ...'

I get angry, I then regain my composure... I say 'FINE, I will LOG into root and frikken DELETE the files'
I go into My Hd /Library/ I see the files I drag to trash... KERNAL PANIC!


I run away from my computer for about 20 minutes until I remember I have a diskwarrior CD laying around... Ok, I boot off the CD... but If anyone knows Diskwarrior... It doesn't do much, it optomizes/defrags my HD, nothing useful.

What I need it a CD, I can boot from that gives me the finder so I can delete those damn files.

I don't know of such a thing. When I boot off a Mac Os 10.2 CD all I can do is Repair Permissions... NOTHING USEFUL again!

Someone help, I can't even open the console when I log in before it all crashes. (Like I tried opening Terminal to kill the MenuBar Process, It doesn't allow me to open the Terminal, it crashes)

Anyone, PLLLEEASSSE help, Please.


(thanks anyone who can :( )

edit: I forgot, WHY THE HELL CAN'T I BOOT INTO AN OS 9 CD??!?! I have like frikken 20 Os 9 CD's, Techtool 3, Applecare, Os 9.2.2 Boot, Os 9.2 Book. NOTHING LOADS... and I can't change it in the preferences, because that crashes!!!)
Originally posted by johnnowak
Boot to the hardware test CD and check for bad RAM.

Whats the hardware test CD?

And I doubt its Ram... since I've maxed out my Ram before (checking for errors) and all was good... I guess it couldn't hurt, but I never heard of this CD before...
hard drive failure?? iam guessing but make sure everything is unplugged from your mac, internet conection and anything else and maybe even pull out that ram after using static precautions but iam guessing a hard drive failure. try this and try to fire it up. sorry
Originally posted by Dont Hurt Me
hard drive failure?? iam guessing but make sure everything is unplugged from your mac, internet conection and anything else and maybe even pull out that ram after using static precautions but iam guessing a hard drive failure. try this and try to fire it up. sorry

How could this be a hard drive failure??

All I did was install Stuffit 8!

All I want to do is get the damned thing off my computer. IMHO I think that is causing the Kernal Panics!

Ah here we go, I've found a hardware test CD its testing right now...

So far it doesn't say failed to anything...

I've done most of what I know... fsck... this, Diskwarrior...

How the heck can I delete Stuffit 8!!!
Originally posted by latergator116
The hardware test probably won't be very useful since it sounds like you have a software problem. Try doing a clean install of 10.3.

Indeed the Hardware test found nothing wrong.

And um... I don't have 10.3

Are you asking me to get it... to maybe solve the problem?

:confused: :eek:
Originally posted by latergator116
Sorry, I thought you had 10.3. Just do a clean install of 10.2 then.

How much Does a Clean Install delete?

System Files... applications...

Ehh, I never got the idea of this type of install.
err.. never mind. A clean install erases the hd. Before you install it, there is an option of what type of install you want. There is one type that will just reinstall the OS, but it wont touch any files---do that one.
Doing an upgrade install (files in tact) will most likely not help.

Your best bet is to clean install (deletes everything). I have Stuffit 8 (download not cd) and it doesn't cause any problems.

I really really don't want to delete everything.

Come on, through the collective brain power of you all... You really need a solution that doesn't need me to delete everything...


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