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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 6, 2007
Or rather, sometimes it works, but only very slowly.

Anyone run across this?

I've got OpenSSH and BSD subsystem installed, I've got the Mac and the iPhone on the same wifi network, I'm using the correct username and password and IP address. I've tried Transmit and Cyberduck both. I've even reinstalled all OpenSSH and BSD, with plenty of restarting.

In fact, I know all that is correct, because sometimes it's working fine--but always slower than it used to be. On some tries, it eventually connects (and I'm not talking about the host keys problem), but then changing directories takes so long that it eventually times out. Other times, it won't even connect at all.

Transmit gives a "could not connect to server" "permission denied" error. But I'm not sure that's meaningful at all. Cyberduck just tells me it's timed out.

Anyone experience this? Nothing has changed on the iPhone or the Mac, but all of a sudden it just barely wants to make an sftp connection. Any ideas?
Or rather, sometimes it works, but only very slowly.

Anyone run across this?

I've got OpenSSH and BSD subsystem installed, I've got the Mac and the iPhone on the same wifi network, I'm using the correct username and password and IP address. I've tried Transmit and Cyberduck both. I've even reinstalled all OpenSSH and BSD, with plenty of restarting.

In fact, I know all that is correct, because sometimes it's working fine--but always slower than it used to be. On some tries, it eventually connects (and I'm not talking about the host keys problem), but then changing directories takes so long that it eventually times out. Other times, it won't even connect at all.

Transmit gives a "could not connect to server" "permission denied" error. But I'm not sure that's meaningful at all. Cyberduck just tells me it's timed out.

Anyone experience this? Nothing has changed on the iPhone or the Mac, but all of a sudden it just barely wants to make an sftp connection. Any ideas?
What firmware are you running, and what version of BSD do you have?
Or rather, sometimes it works, but only very slowly.

Anyone run across this?

I've got OpenSSH and BSD subsystem installed, I've got the Mac and the iPhone on the same wifi network, I'm using the correct username and password and IP address. I've tried Transmit and Cyberduck both. I've even reinstalled all OpenSSH and BSD, with plenty of restarting.

In fact, I know all that is correct, because sometimes it's working fine--but always slower than it used to be. On some tries, it eventually connects (and I'm not talking about the host keys problem), but then changing directories takes so long that it eventually times out. Other times, it won't even connect at all.

Transmit gives a "could not connect to server" "permission denied" error. But I'm not sure that's meaningful at all. Cyberduck just tells me it's timed out.

Anyone experience this? Nothing has changed on the iPhone or the Mac, but all of a sudden it just barely wants to make an sftp connection. Any ideas?

What iPhone firmware you have?
I'm having the same problem!

I'm running 1.1.4 with BSD 2.0 and openSSH 4.6p1-2

Everything worked fine a week ago. Never had any issues connecting through fetch. Now, I keep getting the same "permission denied" error. I have tried this on multiple machines and with different FTP apps. Nothing seems to help. I have tried reinstalling BSD and openSSH.

Anything come about with this? This is really frustrating!
make sure you on SFTP..and check your iphones IP adress same as the one that you have on your cyber do have boss prefs installed correct..? thats easy to use and tells your ip adress ..

hope that works
make sure you on SFTP..and check your iphones IP adress same as the one that you have on your cyber do have boss prefs installed correct..? thats easy to use and tells your ip adress ..

hope that works

Yep, yep, all that, of course :)

I actually figured it out. It was BSD 2.0 Just seemed to stop working, and installer didnt notify me that there was a 2.1. So I reinstalled, and all was well again!
I'm having the same problem.....

I Pwned my 2.0.1 iPod, and installed OpenSSH
Transmit won't allow me to SSH into my iPod because the of the "Permission denied" error :confused:
I'm sure i have all the imformaton correct, though:


User Name: root

Password: alpine

Initial Path: /

Port: 22

Protocol SFTP

What am I missing??

EDIT: So I typed into terminal: ssh
this is what i got :eek::eek::eek:

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/username/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /Users/username/.ssh/known_hosts:1
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

What is this??!! PLEASE, someone help me...
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