Yesterday I went to the Apple store enquiring for a replacement of a smart keyboard folio for my Ipad Pro M1 12.9-inch that I purchased 150 days ago because the tissue started peeling off (see pic). The tech there told me right away that this should not have happened and that they could replace it under my 1-year warranty. He processed the claim, and the new keyboard arrived at the desk, but after discussing it with his manager at the last minute, he 'changed' his mind. Although he agreed that this was not my fault and the keyboard should be replaced under warranty, he told me that for Apple, this is considered normal wear-and-tear and is not covered by the warranty. What a joke. The tear is on the upper left corner of the keyboard, which I never touched with my fingers. His solution for me was to buy another keyboard ($175), which in his mind is OK if it will last only five months. I am quite sad for Apple. It is not for the money, really, but they made me look like a beggar. I had been purchasing stuff from them before Tim Cook knew what Apple was. I have everything they make, and now they still want to milk me for a hundred bucks for a defect I am not responsible for.