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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 28, 2011
Yesterday I went to the Apple store enquiring for a replacement of a smart keyboard folio for my Ipad Pro M1 12.9-inch that I purchased 150 days ago because the tissue started peeling off (see pic). The tech there told me right away that this should not have happened and that they could replace it under my 1-year warranty. He processed the claim, and the new keyboard arrived at the desk, but after discussing it with his manager at the last minute, he 'changed' his mind. Although he agreed that this was not my fault and the keyboard should be replaced under warranty, he told me that for Apple, this is considered normal wear-and-tear and is not covered by the warranty. What a joke. The tear is on the upper left corner of the keyboard, which I never touched with my fingers. His solution for me was to buy another keyboard ($175), which in his mind is OK if it will last only five months. I am quite sad for Apple. It is not for the money, really, but they made me look like a beggar. I had been purchasing stuff from them before Tim Cook knew what Apple was. I have everything they make, and now they still want to milk me for a hundred bucks for a defect I am not responsible for.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
It obviously IS for money rather than good customer service. I bet the internal data shows this kind of swap is causing damage to Apple so they decide to not do so.

On the side note tho, my previous Smart Keyboard Folio had somewhat similar to yours shown in that picture (large area peeled off) after about 2 years of mix of indoor and outdoor usage. So I think one can argue that is “normal wear and tear” but barely.

Either way, Apple doesn’t care losing one customer. Everyone for Apple is just a line in the database. Sad reality.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
Sounds more like a ‘jobs worth’ manager rather than Tim Cook personally. Did you try to take it to a higher level manager or a different store?


Jul 18, 2011
Yeah, that’s my experience with their magic keyboards, and I have been to the Apple store a few times regarding this issue as well. They replaced my keyboard the first time round, I bought a second keyboard afterwards, and have stopped using it after my third keyboard started coming apart at the seams.

Like their integration with the iPad, but looks like the durability leaves much to be desired.


macrumors regular
Jan 20, 2012
Yeah, that’s my experience with their magic keyboards, and I have been to the Apple store a few times regarding this issue as well. They replaced my keyboard the first time round, I bought a second keyboard afterwards, and have stopped using it after my third keyboard started coming apart at the seams.

Like their integration with the iPad, but looks like the durability leaves much to be desired.

The durability is completely unacceptable for such an expensive accessory. I’d rank the Magic Keyboard as one of my worst tech purchase given the cost (and I got it with a £150 discount) and lack of durability.

If we look at the Surface Pro, those keyboards are cheaper, lighter and more durable. I’m hoping Apple start to up their game in the iPad accessory department or someone brings a great keyboard accessory to the table. I understand my opinion will be in the minority as everyone swoons over the Magic Keyboard.

In addition, Apple has a reputation for good customer service, but I’ve honestly never experienced that OP. The employees in my local Apple Store have always been rude and are trying to shuffle people along as quickly as possible to meet their quotas. I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed their mind about giving you a replacement so they could meet their quotas for the week.
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Jun 6, 2022
Can you not visit another store or contact apple directly via email about this ?
As another poster mentioned it sounds like a jobsworth on a power trip, unfortunately those who shout the loudest get the best treatment in this day and age. Demand it gets rectified and if it doesn’t then say you will take it higher up the chain of command, also if you’re feeling flush demand a new MacBook Air M2 for your troubles and lack of sleep over this issue

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
In addition, Apple has a reputation for good customer service, but I’ve honestly never experienced that OP. The employees in my local Apple Store have always been rude and are trying to shuffle people along as quickly as possible to meet their quotas. I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed their mind about giving you a replacement so they could meet their quotas for the week.

They used to but I think their customer service has gotten worse over the years.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 1, 2022
Sorry to hear that. My “magic” keyboard for ipad 11” isn’t quite as bad as your photo, yet, but it is peeling and deteriorating steadily, much to my dismay. Had it for … 9 months? … not sure exactly but not very long. Damn thing Cost $280 if memory serves me… it is a nice and useful keyboard but they do not hold up super well. : - /


macrumors 65816
Jul 10, 2007
How can they change their mind after telling a customer they are going to replace it. That’s just really poor all round. I hate the apple store a bunch of kids how quite honestly don’t know a thing about the products. I avoid it as much as possible these days.


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2010
Dang that’s really a bummer. Not only that they treated you like that after agreeing to replace it, but that it’s coming apart like that. I have one which I use everyday at my toolbox in an auto repair shop. I am sometimes still wearing my work rubber gloves from an oil change with just a quick wipe off before swiping across the palm rests or trackpad and it has held up really great. Thats not my normal way of treating it, but it happens. During the first year of covid I even wiped it down front back side to side and all the keys with a disinfectant spray before taking it home each night. So far so good. I must have got one from a good batch.
Hope you can take it to another apple store to get a different result.
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