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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 12, 2012
I've got a nice newish 27'' cinema screen which I use together with my MacBook pro in clamshell mode. Loving how it works as a docking station - e.g. I've a time machine drive attached to the screen so every time I attach my laptop to the screen it takes a backup.

But I have some computational tasks I can't do on my Mac laptop, so I also have a powerful desktop machine with Ubuntu (18.04 LTS) in my office. I'd like to every once in a while be able to shift to using that machine with the same keyboard and screen.

I read on the inter-webs that what I need is a KVM hardware switch (apparently better for this use than Synergy or other software solutions, also because the two computers have different OS).
My questions are:
  1. Can I do that and still use my MacBook in clamshell mode (including get the docking station facilities of the screen/MacBook)?
  2. Which KVM would you recommend?

Thank you!


macrumors 6502
May 2, 2011
You could but you could also look at Remote Desktop on Ubuntu. I had it on a laptop but I couldn’t get it to work

If you’re going to go with a KVM then just make sure you have all the right inputs and output to your screen
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