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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2006

I am travelling abroad (i.e., with no decently cheap data coverage), and staying in a place where only my iOS devices can connect to wifi, due to a poorly implemented captive portal that will not open on my Mac. On the other hand the iPhone and the iPad connect just fine, but to do work, I actually need to connect the laptop. The local staff members are unable to help.

Is there a way to share the connection, say of the iPhone, with my Macbook Air or not ?

I tried to connect the iPhone by USB or to associate it with Bluetooth, but cannot get the connection to work. I know how to tether my iPhone when connected on a Data network, but note that this is not what I need here.

Any idea ?

PS: I hate captive portals, they are often very unreliable, and are a pain to deal with...
You can't share WiFi connection from iPhone to Mac, it only works with HotSpot but it isn't the option you are looking for.
Ok, thanks for the feedback.
Yes, I want to investigate the captive portal thing but lack time.
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