Thanatoast said:
I have a related question: How do I import photos from an iPod into iPhoto?
Here's a script that should work for you based on what I use for my music. Open Terminal and type the following:
cd /Users/yourusername/Desktop/
mkdir iPod\ Picture\ Files/
cd /Volumes/(first three or so letters of your iPod's name as it appears on the desktop then hit tab, don't include these parentheses, it will fill in the info for you)
find . -name "*.jpg" -exec cp {} /Users/yourusername/Desktop/iPod\ Picture\ Files \;
It might take a while to finish since pictures are large files, and transfers from iPods are slow.
If you have picture files in formats other than .jpg (like .tif), just make another line like the one with .jpg in it like:
find . -name "*.tif" -exec cp {} /Users/yourusername/Desktop/iPod\ Picture\ Files \;
On your desktop, you should have a file with pictures in it. If it works, I'd open Automator and select "Run Shell Script". Type everything just as it appeared in Terminal (including what Terminal filled in about your iPod's name).
Then just hit "Run" in may take quite a while to finish. If it works, save it as an application you can launch, or a plug-in for finder.
Keep in mind I only have an iPod Mini (no photos). But it did find jpegs in one of the folders on my iPod that I just use for backup of my photos.
If that's all too complicated, you can open Terminal and type this to reveal hidden files. Any pictures on your iPod are in hidden files (I assume):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
Then look at your desktop, and click the iPod, and go through all those files and find your pictures. Copy them to your desktop or whatever you want. When you're done, type this to hide the files again:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder