Hi there. I am having the same issue as the OP. I'm just curious about this issue because (naturally) I'd like to control access to my files as much as possible. I just got a MacBook this week and networked it with my iMac. I was sharing files via the drop box and screen sharing via iChat without too much trouble. When I booted up my macs this evening, I found that I had unlimited access to the entire HDD of both computers via the network. This is actually desirable in my case, but I have a roommate with a powerbook and Leopard. We networked our computers and can only share via the public folder. Why the difference i wonder?
When I set up the connection between my MacBook and my iMac I used my admin password. Is this the issue? Let's use "joust" as an example. I log in to both computers using the same username and "joust" as the password. I also used "joust" as the password that must be entered to connect over the network. Is this what is allowing full administrator access via the network.
Had I used the password "coleman" instead of "joust" when creating the Sharing Only account, would my other computer have limited access to shared folders only? At this point, I only have Drop Box listed as a shared folder. It isn't affecting a thing.
Sorry to revive a month old thread with a newbie question, but I'd like to learn more. If you have any thoughts, I'd really appreciate it