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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 12, 2005
How do I share music that I have just purchased from iTunes or a CD that we have ripped over our network? Photos in iPhoto also for that matter?
Just open up the Preferences, and tell it to share the Libraries. This works in iTunes and iPhoto.
Will they be stored there though? For example if I put some new pictures on the iMac share the library then take the ibook out of the network area they will no longer be there though? right? I have to manually put the pics on both computers or rip the cd to both computers...? Thanks for the quick reply!
They're no longer there when the host computer "goes away" - you'll need to copy any you want available 24/7.
Whats the best way to do that? Surely if I buy a song on iTunes I dont have to burn it to a blank CD then put it on the iBook :( ? It just seems kind of sloppy.
iRhyknow said:
Whats the best way to do that? Surely if I buy a song on iTunes I dont have to burn it to a blank CD then put it on the iBook :( ? It just seems kind of sloppy.

No, you don't need to burn the songs to a cd to tranfer them to your other computers. When you tell iTunes to share your library, it will enable the songs to be seen and played on your other computer. When you turn off the computer that is sharing the songs, they will no longer be available unless you copy the songs over to the other computers.
When you tell iTunes to share your library, it will enable the songs to be seen and played on your other computer. When you turn off the computer that is sharing the songs, they will no longer be available unless you copy the songs over to the other computers.

That what I was getting at, it seems pretty rediculous to have to burn a CD then put that music on the iBook so when I go to work I still have my music.
you don't have to burn the cd - when you're on the network, connect to the iMac, open iTunes, check "copy when adding" under preferences, then "Add to library..", navigate to the Music > iTunes> iTunes Music folder and choose the mp3s you want to copy across onto your laptop. When you're off the network you won't see the Shared Liibrary, but you'll have local copies of some (or all of it) in your Library.
Now I think we are getting somewhere :) , problem is I don't know how to connect to the iMac from the iBook :eek: ...but I think you are describing exactly what I;m wanting to do :D !
you'll need to have sharing turned on in the preferences for the iMac, then, if they're both on the network, on the iBook, Finder > Go > Network, you should see the iMac in the list of computers on the network. you'll need the username and password for the iMac account that has the iTunes Library to log on to it, it will mount as a drive on your iBook's desktop, then follow the steps outlined above.

Apple's site has heaps of stuff on sharing
Thanks so much for your help!

Last question I think :eek: , open iTunes, check "copy when adding" under preferences, Im not finding this for some reason :eek: and does this apply to iPhoto also?
you're welcome. i should have been more specific - iTunes > Preferences > Advanced (General tab). Checking the "keep organised" box is usually a good idea too

"copy when adding" means that when you choose files to add to your library makes copies of them in your Music folder. unchecked, it means that when you add songs that are NOT in your Music folder, iTunes just keeps a shortcut/alias to the original (which won't work if the original is no longer available). Also, if you delete these "aliased" songs out of your library, it won't trash the originals, just the alias.

not sure about iPhoto
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