My 3Gs iphone broke recently (it was powering off and after a restore it would not reactivate, anyway...) and Apple sent me a replacement 3Gs. I restored this new phone from the backup of my old phone and all was well. Except until I began using Shazam again.
Now, I have had Shazam since my original iPhone 2G (circa 2007), migrating to my 3Gs and again to the replacement 3Gs. However it appears "new" users who download Shazam only get 5 tags a month for free and need to buy the $5 "pro" app to get unlimited tags. Apparently users who downloaded Shazam prior to November 2009 are grandfathered under the free version. Not that the $5 will break me or that its not worth it, but I downloaded it a long time before the change.
Are replacement phones not covered by this change in policy or is there something I can do? I am guessing not but I feel like I should ask before I spend $5 I don't have to. Anyone else have this problem?
Side note, any other free alternatives to Shazam?
Now, I have had Shazam since my original iPhone 2G (circa 2007), migrating to my 3Gs and again to the replacement 3Gs. However it appears "new" users who download Shazam only get 5 tags a month for free and need to buy the $5 "pro" app to get unlimited tags. Apparently users who downloaded Shazam prior to November 2009 are grandfathered under the free version. Not that the $5 will break me or that its not worth it, but I downloaded it a long time before the change.
Are replacement phones not covered by this change in policy or is there something I can do? I am guessing not but I feel like I should ask before I spend $5 I don't have to. Anyone else have this problem?
Side note, any other free alternatives to Shazam?